Example sentences of "be [adv] for an " in BNC.

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1 The gentlemen of the Pearl are taking off their jackets to fight the bid so the British insurer 's shareholders are in for an unpredictable time .
2 Point-to-point enthusiasts are in for an Easter treat this weekend with two meetings in the area — at Tweseldown on Saturday ( first race 1.30 ) and Hackwood Park , near Basingstoke , on Monday ( first race 2.00 ) .
3 AS SOON as I see a screen full of Florida palm fronds , broken down clapboard houses and Cadillacs full of heaving , unhappy women , I know we are in for an Erotic Thriller .
4 Just when you think you 're in for an in-depth discussion on the technicalities of the Joey Beltram mix of state-of-the-art frightcore Techno duo MESSIAH 's last single , you find yourself caught up in a debate about doom and dwarf procuring and rock 'n' roll giants .
5 Just to get to , and er so we 've , we 're there for an hour or so , then we are going er the Y M C A at Lakeside
6 It 's 0700 on the 30 June and my body has already been up for an hour and run four miles .
7 No , I 've been up for an hour !
8 Final preparations are underway for an Oxfordshire convoy heading for Roumania at the weekend .
9 That evening is I crouched at the back of the slit trench , swatting the mauses and listening to the sound of shells passing over and the rain dripping steadily in through the entrance to the trench , I stared at the pool of water getting larger and hoped that the rain would soon stop , if it does n't I 'm in for an uncomfortable night .
10 In the Elizabethan Restaurant the shift has changed and tea is being prepared ; the duty staff will be in for an early meal shortly .
11 JOHANN SCHYMS of Manosque , France , may be in for an expensive disappointment .
12 At 7,316 people , you could be in for an uncomfortable wait .
13 Duncan Shearer and Mixu Paateleinen expected to lead the attack alongside Eoin Jess , the home fans should be in for an exciting ninety minutes .
14 People living on the riverbanks ca n't remember it being so bad for many years and if there 's rugby here tomorrow , then the players will be in for an early bath .
15 It may be enough for an investment trust to tempt investors by describing the opportunity area in broad terms , and inasmuch as this temptation continues to work then the early investors can sell out at a profit to the later ones .
16 A satisfactory duration period depends on the size of your LIFESPAN database but an 8 hour period should be enough for an average sized database .
17 Moreover , it may not be enough for an employer to say " I 'm a wine merchant and my ex-employee is now working as a wine merchant and so I am entitled to enforce an express restriction " .
18 To fit everything in here you have to be up for an early breakfast .
19 She would be out for an hour .
20 We may be here for an hour or two so you can go on home if you wish .
21 Great , great , can you be there for an 8am departure , and make sure you wear your epaulettes ?
22 But we will be there for an hour .
23 Alright , she 'll be expecting she reckons she 's due on the twenty third of March , but the hospital say it 's , it 's the twenty ninth , so it 'll be next week , I 'll have to give a ring , we went to see her the other week , to see how she was , erm we went round er one night , I rung her up to see if she 'd be in , I said right we 'll be round for an hour
24 He had been there for an hour and a half .
25 The differences are there for an experienced ear to find , as many reviewers of recordings by the institutional choirs of cathedrals and Oxbridge chapels will surely admit with particular alacrity .
26 The omens were bad , and when the Hammersmith show eventually got going it seemed we were in for an all-time rock ‘ n ’ roll disaster .
27 I knew we were in for an enjoyable day as soon as I heard Nick Faldo say , ‘ Have you heard this one , Nick ? ’
28 A feeling that we were in for an epic grew as we waited on the gendarme to begin a traverse across a snow ledge to the top of the fixed ropes , where the Germans , their clothes white with snow and ice , had set up another abseil .
29 They were in for an interesting night .
30 AT FIRST , it seemed that we were in for an evening at the Theatre of Cruelty .
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