Example sentences of "be [conj] she should " in BNC.

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1 She drifted into sleep , resisting an urge to move closer and press her mouth to his shoulder , combating it by wondering what his reaction might be if she should succumb to an opposing temptation and sink her teeth into the flesh her nails had already marred .
2 All that is required is that she should climb better , harder , in more desperate circumstances than every man on the planet and we men will accept her as an equal .
3 It was impossible to convey to Minnie or anyone else how this new closeness lifted her misery in a way nothing else could have done and yet Wilson herself marked how curious it was that she should feel forgiven when there was nothing to forgive .
4 All that Mrs Browning required of her , surely , was that she should be docile and self-contained and grateful .
5 Her last wish was that she should be used for transplants .
6 Her only coherent thought was that she should never have come back to stay in Wickrithe .
7 The management decision was that she should return home , but on condition that father moved out and had no further contact with her .
8 He could not say what he just thought , which was that she should be afraid of that place now .
9 All that mattered was that she should catch up with Meredith .
10 The marshal 's favoured plan — Susan gathered — was that she should B into Daine 's Dream , as herself but with a few improvements and then rip the sub-universe apart until she found the fugitive and could tase him awake .
11 It was typical of everything Louise was that she should have thrown herself away on that dreadful Randall .
12 The question was whether she should tell anyone or no one what she had heard .
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