Example sentences of "be [art] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 The older you are the greater the chance of you having shingles .
2 Since inflation and unemployment are both unpopular these iso-vote lines are downward-sloping , and the further away from the origin they are the lower the popularity they imply .
3 But they are the least the world must do to make itself safer from nuclear blackmail .
4 Between the lush coconut groves and cinnamon plantations , these spice-ridden islands ' soft , silvery beaches are the best the world can offer — beautiful Beau Vallon on Mahe must rate as the Seychelles ' very special favourite .
5 Blessed are the poor the kingdom of heaven is theirs .
6 The crowds are the biggest the bookshop has seen and the book is selling faster than any the publisher has known .
7 ’ The greater these benefits are the stronger the environmental objections would need to be to deny permission . ’
8 Since Big Macs are the same the world over , the Hong Kong dollar must surely be much undervalued against the greenback — and even more so against many other currencies if , as seems likely , America 's dollar is itself still generally undervalued .
9 I could only sit and marvel that some things are the same the world over .
10 ‘ Whatever the difference , children are the same the world over . ’
11 These two here are also positional isomers , there carbon chains are the same the only way they differ is in the position of the functional group .
12 ‘ Then perhaps women are the same the world over . ’
13 Although this is an American program injuries are the same the world over , as are the treatments .
14 You ca n't tell they 're the same the only way you can tell is if they 're , if they 're working with number , I mean that 's a plus or a positive that 's a positive three .
15 More and more employees are using these casual workers and every one of our jobs is under threat cos if you lose your job tomorrow , you 're a casual the day after .
16 But the thing is that it seems that we 're a cultural the way the system is set up
17 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
18 The 12,000 crowd expected in Sheffield will be the largest the Coopers have ever played in front of but the publicity that would accompany Olympic success for Great Britain could make Ian into hockey 's first Gazza-figure .
19 And to coincide with the temporary exhibitions , LACMA is showing its own new Cezanne , ‘ Sous-bois ’ ( c. 1890 ) , a large oil purchased last year for a multi-million-dollar sum believed to be the largest the museum has ever spent on an acquisition .
20 If it goes ahead , the proposed merger of America 's SmithKline Beckman with Britain 's Beecham will be the biggest the pharmaceuticals industry has yet seen , creating a group with annual sales of $9 billion .
21 But a £1 billion Eurobond would be the biggest the market has ever had to digest and capital markets experts were yesterday sceptical about how easy it would be for Lloyd 's to make such an issue without hefty costs .
22 He 'll be the missing the job now .
23 The rationale , let us call it Cash 's law , appears to be the sillier the Christian name the faster and nastier the bowler .
24 This at least allows you to make the best of poor job ; a package which only works at the screen resolution could be a fifth the quality , or worse .
25 perhaps it would be a good The Times or The Guardian
26 which one would you go for as being the easiest the one you 're most sure about ?
27 And with hospital food also being the same the whole world over , I could have done with my own wife appearing outside with a food parcel .
28 Korean establishments were the first the crowd seems to have made for .
29 Now how many of the sectors as again as defined ones which we 've agreed we will examine , er would fit or would be con would be consistent with regional , sub-regional policies or would possibly cause conflict with those if er they were the receiving the receiving area for a new settlement ?
30 Std Error ; this is the standard error of the beta estimate and the lower this figure is the better the estimate of beta .
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