Example sentences of "be [prep] try [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is frustrating as a producer , when you have so many ideas that are worth trying to make it better . ’
2 Many people think it is hard to assess whether a building is worth preserving and ask what the criteria are for trying to save it .
3 Clarke had said the same thing and she had tried desperately to comply but it had been like trying to lay hold of darting butterflies .
4 And from now on , he will be as fervently fanatical in his promulgation of Nazarean thought as he has hitherto been in trying to suppress it .
5 It may also be a social problem , but sociologists are just as interested in trying to explain ‘ normal ’ behaviour and events as they are in trying to explain the deviant or the abnormal .
6 However it must be worth trying to do so especially if a senior employee has received independent legal advice before entering the agreement and has been specifically compensated ( as is common in the USA ) for accepting the restraint .
7 It may well be worth trying to gum up the joint with a mastic sealant or self-adhesive bitumastic flashing rather than going to all the trouble of dismantling the system : use the sealant on the joints even if you do dismantle and reassemble them .
8 She spent her rare afternoons off visiting the sights of Paris , or lying in the Luxembourg Gardens alone , reading Dostoevsky and Sartre and Camus , and sending out contradictory messages to idle young men who wondered if it would be worth trying to pick her up .
9 Inspection of the scatterplot suggested that it would be worth trying to fit a line ; the task is to find one which will come as near as possible to the data points .
10 It might therefore be worth trying to get permission and , if granted , the private road can be followed on a rough surface for five miles .
11 To put Labour in charge would be like trying to douse a fire with kerosene .
12 Trying to recreate something as well-known as Layla must be like trying to forge a Picasso .
13 It all sounded so polite and formal , when what she really wanted was to put her arms around him and have him hold her , kiss her , tell her that he had forgiven her , but that would be like trying to turn the clock back , and there was no way they could do that .
14 It would be like trying to stop a buffalo , because he was nothing but muscle , weight and bone .
15 It would be like trying to fill the Pacific Ocean with pebbles thrown into the waves .
16 As I told a couple of surveyors I met at the ground earlier today , ‘ Building on here would be like trying to wallpaper a Slumberland mattress . ’
17 As an exercise in thinking about the unthinkable , the point is a counter to the idea of ‘ tactical ’ nuclear war as a first step in the ladder of escalation but , equally , it might be like trying to avoid any unwanted delays in Russian roulette by starting with a fully loaded gun .
18 But unless you spend the night before patiently reserving your patch , finding a prime viewing spot can be like trying to catch the tube in the morning rush hour .
19 Whether one is ‘ sticking close to the knitting ’ ( Peters and Waterman , 1982 ; Redding , 1990 ) by focusing only on what one knows well , in a family business , or whether one is involved in imperatively co-ordinating only a fairly specific range of business-related activity , as in typical Japanese enterprises , leaving the broader picture to the inter-market relations and to state planning , one is certainly involved in a far more restricted and less audacious exercise of planning than one would be in trying to plan the twenty or thirty unrelated businesses of the typical conglomerate .
20 if it 's worth trying to hit anything I was on top of him
21 So erm that 's , if you 're , if you 're getting behind on that it 's worth trying to do something about it soonish before you get too far behind to manage to catch up
22 It is about trying to outfox your opponent .
23 Training is about trying to put the component parts together — the physical and the mental , working towards an agility in both .
24 Ray Montgomery , works manager for the east division , said : ‘ This is about trying to change the culture of the organisation , devolving power to people on the ground .
25 I think that the point , has to be made that when we 've had a transport supplementary grant decision and settlement as poor as this one , then it really is about trying to protect and enhance the people of Lincolnshire and the road network , rather than just for once , party politics , because I ca n't honestly believe that the conservatives would actually , feel that this is a fair , reasonable settlement .
26 It is worth trying to retain , in the ways McHale suggests , limits to the meaning of the term postmodernism .
27 Usually , these are sold in bulk to a dealer who can handle large quantities but it is worth trying to do a deal on smaller quantities if you can get in on the ground floor , so to speak .
28 These results may be due to chance , but the figures suggest that it is worth trying to do semi-automatic correction .
29 It is worth trying to get a distribution company to take your record on .
30 This situation is very difficult to handle and it is worth trying to avoid early escalation of treatment with sulphonylureas and then progressing to insulin .
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