Example sentences of "be [prep] people [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in a letter to his father of 3 June 1913 , all the names are of people who figure in Mrs Lowndes 's memoirs :
2 He been with people who had lain on the tracks to try to stop the special trains bringing out 7,600 refugees from Prague and climb on board .
3 The most common calls are from people who have lost their pets .
4 Many category 2 queries , however , are from people who have done a fair amount of ‘ homework ’ , but have been unable to find out all they would like to know , or wish to check that they have made the right interpretation of their reading .
5 The houses will be for people who have to move out of Bentham Drive to make way for a new rail link .
6 Where will the list be of people who are entitled to a discount ?
7 Better to be in Florence , alone , independent , not subjected to sudden swings of mood than be with people whom she felt no longer valued her , whatever they said .
8 Julia climbed on board without hesitation , sure of her welcome , relieved and delighted to be with people whom she trusted .
9 I lived in the book , as — in your others : I liked particularly Isabella and Evalie , and their gay early middle age — how comforting , too , to be with people who find ‘ the Change ’ such fun , when one thinks of the depressing nonsense that most people make out of it … .
10 It was so good to be among people who respected and admired her , and whom she admired and respected in return .
11 Erm if it 's um well generally speaking I think , thinking about what the sort of consensus would be among people who who study this sort of thing , they 're usually looking for some sort of of discrepancy in ages or powers or something .
12 The police would not necessarily assume that the bones in the graveyard were of people who had lived at Wyvis Hall , nor that those who had brought about their deaths had lived there .
13 I had not yet escaped the strangeness of being with people who , over the years , had become largely fictional to me .
14 Many of the calls were for information , but many of them were from people who were confused or desperate .
15 well we always had entertained friends but we 'd never been in a position to put them up so that erm most of our friendly visits were from people who did n't live very far from us , it meant that families , nieces , nephews etcetera were difficult to accommodate because they had to sleep on a couch or a settee in the living room with all its diff difficulties , especially when it meant in the morning for breakfast you had to get them up and dressed before you could start thinking about breakfast , and I think that those sort of things are things that er people ought to take into consideration when thinking about new housing .
16 They were from people who were at Tea for Two who made donations specifically towards the cancer erm
17 Statistics given to the annual meeting showed that 1,400 of them were from people who had never called upon the Samaritans before .
18 The latter is an unusual work because it is about people who really lived at a particular period and who had particular relationships with each other .
19 The novel has a contemporary setting and is about people who meet for an extraordinary dinner party .
20 It 's for people who want to lose weight .
21 The 100 Club is for people who have achieved or are close to achieving the goal of running 100 marathons .
22 ‘ This is for people who have had a passing interest in Hendrix or have caught up with his music in the advent of the CD age .
23 The focus of the book is for people who only have two or three weeks to explore the mountains but Townsend also describes side trips and two long distance walks .
24 Club 96 is for people who are united by their love of cars and they can all get together and have a chance to race on a real circuit .
25 ‘ This is for people who are put out of their natural home without any living skills .
26 The Three Hundred Club is for people who have A , done a South Pole streak from sauna , two thousand , oh two hundred degrees Fahrenheit to outdoors minus one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or a penis , a penis of over three hundred millimetres long or a club for people who have made love in a helicopter ?
27 It 's about people who can move and dribble , pass and generally entertain ’
28 Another Deee-Lite list is of people who have sampled them .
29 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
30 It 's like people who eat marmalade has no peel in it .
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