Example sentences of "be [pron] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
2 A mere few days are nothing when we 've already survived so much ! "
3 How much taller am I than him June ?
4 I said I was not I 'm not gon na be here Friday Saturday Sunday or Monday am I cos I 've got this holiday right .
5 I am his because he created me !
6 Experience the atmosphere and feelings that are yours when you own and sail the superlative Swan 46 .
7 Seats are yours if you either authorise us to debit the cost to your credit card account with Access/Visa/Diners Club/American Express plus postage , or reserved pending payment within 48 hours .
8 And we 're , we are , we 're ourselves if you 're in a mess then people out there have got virtually no training other than what they 've been given
9 We 're nothing , of ourselves we might have thought we had but it was of no value whatsoever , but he took us , he says , now you 're something because you belong to me .
10 Oh I would of thought that she would of put them in if you had n't paid your subs , you know you 're not a member are you unless you 've paid your subs
11 Bertie Wooster , where are you when we need you ?
12 Blessed are you when you suffer insults and persecution and cowardliness of every kind from my face exult and be glad for you have a rich reward in heaven in the same way as they persecuted the prophets who bore you .
13 They 'll be dead in ten minutes and so are we if we do n't get out by then . ’
14 People like Niall , like Michael Morrissey , who do know what it is like to be poor and shat on , the bottom of the whole U.K. heap , they know I 'm nothing when they set eyes on me .
15 I would also be prepared to take up some responsibility in the popular government , It will be a less oppressed life , more tranquil , although perhaps at home there will only be me because my husband and my two sons have been murdered by the army and the others have gone to fight .
16 Oh dear , you 'd say this would be me as I was leaving the travel agents I heard a woman say my friend and I want to get away from it all , can you recommend somewhere completely unspoiled with a really nice shopping area .
17 Oh it would n't be me cos I 'm , I 'm doing it this year and I only thought of it too late
18 I wanner be me if you wanner know an' woss so wrong wiv vat .
19 Oh well it must be my before I was a teenager .
20 And I would rather be yours than anybody 's in the whole world !
21 One of the greatest temptations Jesus ever faced was when the devil said to him , ‘ Here are the Kingdoms of the world ; they can be yours if you worship me . ’
22 Evermore , old woman , I will be yours if you bring me Wilekin , the clerk of whom I speak .
23 It 'll be yours when she goes . ’
24 ‘ You have the right to live here , Sarah , as long as you want and it will be yours when I 'm gone .
25 Over the following four years he cultivated the nomadic way of life which , with the exception of the war years , was to be his until he died : he drifted restlessly in southern Europe and North Africa — and when in London was seen at the theatre , the Ballets Russes , the Café Royal , and at the bohemian restaurant , La Tour Eiffel .
26 Well-informed on Cnut 's doings , and a valuable source on his dealings with the pope and the German emperor in Rome and his Scandinavian wars , it is similar to Wulfstan 's material in ordering intolerance of injustice and prompt payment of church dues , but can not be his as he died in 1023 .
27 The new arrivals are steered into jobs , usually pretty menial , and told , under threat , to start repaying the huge debt that they contracted under the misapprehension that instant wealth would be theirs once they arrived .
28 Environment officials — who argue that the convention should be theirs because it concerns conservation rather than aid — now appear to have won their case .
29 Happiness can only be theirs if they honour that gift .
30 I know it must be you because it was n't me .
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