Example sentences of "be [pron] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 When foreign journalists were occasionally bold enough to ask Ceauşescu whether he intended Nicu to be his successor he gave non-committal answers .
2 but he 's proper pissed off , what can he do ? , because its not just him , its not just Stuart because she , cos Geoffrey says oh half the kids in the class are all bloody weird he said , they 're supposed to be me friends he says there 's only one kid in the class that does n't join in and its Indipau
3 If it had been his daughter he would have tried to have stopped it .
4 He was our , he was our squadron but not our troop you see , see if I 'd a been his troop he probably would n't of made me go into the sea , but it was fucking cold , I mean , I mean full M B C kit right
5 Throw a shovelful of tarmac into the canal and they went to pieces , it had n't been his fault he 'd tripped over the cat .
6 He smiled — the unknown , rare smile , as if it were his wife he was going to meet — and , lifting his glittering sword , thrust it upwards and forwards .
7 He would have done better to have given everything to the boy outright , but it is my belief he did not want Benedict to lose touch with his godmother . ’
8 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
9 Now it 's my money he drinks …
10 That 's my daddy he is always la la la la la late he never comes early early on
11 It 's my practice he wants — you said as much yourself some time ago . ’
12 It 's my fault he 's in this mess .
13 Oh it 's my fault he 's like he is .
14 That 's my brother he always does it when he wakes up he dribbles as well .
15 That 's his play he 's in now is it ?
16 Just straight , that 's his living he designs roofs
17 She heard her father say , " Then , by the Holy Sacrament it is his promise he has broken , and can not expect my daughter to keep hers . "
18 As a verb it means simply ‘ to copulate ’ and the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary traces its literary use as a verb as far back as 1503 , when the poet ( and sometime Franciscan friar ) William Dunbar included this line in one of his verses : ‘ Be his feiris he wald have fukkit ’ .
19 This is what Carl he used to erm
20 This is what trousers he put them in the proper basket instead of leaving them there .
21 Even if he 's your husband he can not go through the pain you went through and so can not know what it is like .
22 he said er is it your own , what is our wood he said , what I said no , he said er
23 He did n't really care for me at all : it was my money he was interested in .
24 It was my sister he went off with .
25 ‘ I 've met him at a couple of PFA functions and when it was my testimonial he sent some things down to be raffled .
26 I presume it was my mother he meant .
27 Was it Rohan he had meant ?
28 I I the way I s I think I think was it Josephine he was married to , then then she would er she would object very strongly if he had a bath before they went to bed together .
29 Was it Pie'oh'pah he 'd been expecting ?
30 ‘ It was his chest he phoned you about , was it ? ,
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