Example sentences of "be [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He was a huge man in his early thirties who had been for a time a heavyweight boxer .
2 Coming after five years of war , when for the first time there did seem to be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel , these new rockets were almost too much for our overstretched nerves , although the situation would no doubt have been very much worse if it had not been for the times when both the RAF and the American Air Force had been out bombing Peenemunde and the other rocket sites .
3 A few , a tiny few , recognise how unreasonable this attitude is , but the overwhelming majority are for the time being standing firm . ’
4 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
5 For the purposes of those provisions ( ss201 and 218 ) the settlement for IHT purposes shall be regarded as not resident in the United Kingdom unless the general administration of the settlement is ordinarily carried on in the United Kingdom , and the trustees or a majority of them ( and , where there is more than one class of trustees , the majority of each class ) are for the time being resident in the United Kingdom .
6 Holywood could yet clinch the single Section Two promotion spot but they seem intent on staying where they are for the time being .
7 Would that have been about the time you went back to the car to look for your nine iron ? ’
8 But it could have been about the time Ephraim disappeared . ’
9 ‘ You 're behind the times , ’ said Wexford , chuckling .
10 You 're behind the times , Arthur , you 're old-fashioned .
11 After all , this is the New Spirituality ; all the others are behind the times !
12 Had these people been in a time machine , or chained in dimly-lit rooms in Beirut ?
13 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
14 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
15 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
16 Flap jacks do n't appear to be cooked and yet they 've been in the time they should have , I do n't know what 's happened , there you are there 's your drink do n't knock it over
17 Australia has neither and both countries are in a time zone which does not suit the world television audience .
18 mm and that I , I think they do and the robin and the , that one starling and the thrush , I think they all roost there cos they seem to be about every time you throw stuff out I just remembered Tom 's father worked at er , the electric company
19 If a local compromise between capital and labour is helpful to both accumulation and the standard of living of labour ( which it can be for a time ) , then most factions of the bourgeoisie and the working classes may support it .
20 By the Land Registration Act 1925 ( s70(1) ) : All registered land shall … be deemed to be subject to such of the following overriding interests as may be for the time being subsisting in reference thereto .
21 Yeah right as I 'm gon na be for the time
22 Among the revelations will be of the time Cecil Parkinson swore at her in a Cabinet meeting , Kenneth Clarke telling how she used her femininity as a weapon in meetings , and Norman Tebbit and Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten talking about the horrors concealed in that famous handbag .
23 She tried to imagine what John would be doing ; it would be past the time for office tea but not yet time to go home .
24 But I grant you that I 'm behind the times in some ways .
25 This would mean that the contracting phase would be like the time reverse of the expanding phase .
26 The Minister of State will be under no time constraint this evening , and she will have plenty of time to tell us precisely what she will do about this serious subject .
27 I feel as if I 'm in a time war , I really do .
28 Ok , normally what we do is to charge erm , erm the lowest charge is fifty pence per mile ok , so that 'll be from the time it leaves here in London till the time it returns .
29 Lammert is also keen to shorten the stay of each student at university , but is aware of how difficult and unpopular this would be in a time of high unemployment .
30 this wd / be in the time of Federico Secondo ,
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