Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun sg] four " in BNC.

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1 We 're on tape four .
2 er tab four and five , tab four and five , we 've been with tab four
3 There are in logic four possibilities : the mind of the justice ( or other challenged individual ) ; the reasonable man ; the individual affected ; or ex post by the reviewing court .
4 And , although we are in Division Four , other clubs still see us as a team they really want to beat . ’
5 The glasses are in number four , they 've all been provided but they just Whether they do n't know that they 're there .
6 In both agencies there are in effect four senior administrative positions with direct responsibility for pollution control work .
7 Erm , they 're called the unorganised manager , erm , and the one , there are in fact four in the series , but we only see two of them .
8 There are in practice four possible consumer measures of the cost of credit .
9 The new book is in prose , and the sections are on average four pages in length ; there are 19 chapters , each with up to 30 sections .
10 There were three , well there we were in fact four coal merchants in the in the town .
11 You see , if three guests suddenly leave , after their fishing holiday , when you are at position four on the board , your name is catapulted to top position — missing out on second- and third-best positions , which is bad news given the quality of all the fishing available .
12 This window is for number four three six . ’
13 ‘ He 's in Cubicle Four . ’
14 Moderator the counter motion is in section four as it stands to stop in the second line after the word commentary .
15 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million it is in fact four fifty .
16 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million , it is in fact four fifty .
17 Yes , the reason why we picked a forty year lifespan of work or working life er with four tens was because Professor Good himself told us that er on their research the common employment pattern today is in fact four employers over the working life and of course that is very different from the experience of many pensioners who are drawing today from their pension funds , because many of them were long-term , long-service employees throughout their lives with one employer .
18 Tuesday sees the first TV screening of the controversial film Jesus of Montreal — it 's on Channel Four , starting at 10 p.m .
19 Erm er Chairman , may I ask a question on paragraph four , four and appendix three , that 's on page four and appendix three on the increased percentage on school milk charge ?
20 At Great Dun Fell in Cumbria , which is under cloud for part of 250 days a year , cloud is on average four times as acid as rain at the same spot , with more than twice the ammonium , nitrate and sulphur .
21 Er , certainly I 'm sure Rachel shares her information , even if it 's only to say , you ca n't watch that because something else is on Channel Four at the same time .
22 Ladies and Gentlemen I will not waste your time by repr repeating my printed annual report to the Association which is on page four of your agenda papers .
23 It was during Act Four , Scene One that she went missing .
24 I was on level four , I' [ d rescued hostages , destroyed the nuclear reactor , and was all set to finally put an end to the madman .
25 I think you said it was on channel four that will be , in the morning if you look at , look at channel four programme and get your glasses cos if you miss it Monday night you said you could have it
26 Think it was on channel four .
27 Yeah , I , I tell you what as well , er I do n't know whether you saw him last night , it was on channel four there 's erm , its called
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