Example sentences of "be [verb] both [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 We need to be satisfied that the cost and delays that would be involved in such a course are justified both to resolve this matter and to provide the assurance that all the issues have been fully examined .
2 Health , quality , and safety regulations are designed both to provide information and to express society 's value judgements about intangibles such as life itself .
3 These systems are claimed both to save fuel and to improve the environmental conditions experienced within buildings .
4 The 1918 Maternity and Child Welfare Act may have been designed both to satisfy the lobby and assuage opposition from powerful vested interests to a Ministry of Health , and it may have lacked prescriptive power ( Rowan 1985 ) , but it did provide a more formal institutional framework for health provision and an extension of state funding .
5 Since the quarrel which put the kingdoms of France and England at odds with each other was based upon historical differences , it was only reasonable that history should also have been used both to emphasise the differences between them , and to allow each to show itself how its own history and its own characteristics had developed .
6 ( English is confusing here , for the same term ‘ man ’ has — until recently — been used both to encompass all humans , and specifically to speak of men . )
7 The lance would have been used both to stab and as a weapon from throwing or as a lance on horseback .
8 They have been known both to help and to hurt the desert people .
9 The text should be consulted both to verify identifications and to check the range of variation .
10 So what could be done both to protect us from crime and to make us less fearful ?
11 The reforms which might be expected from this theoretical starting-point are moves towards market mechanisms or some surrogate for them which can be used both to influence the behaviour of bureaucrats by giving them a different set of incentives , and to increase the range of choice available to the consumers of public — in this case particularly local government — services .
12 These can be used both to complete an on-exchange contract by substituting an off-exchange contract , and to bring an off-exchange contract on-exchange , to be completed by immediate offset or through the exchange clearing system .
13 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
14 In practice , it is likely that you will be trying both to re-emphasize or reinforce at least some of your strong points , and to reduce or eliminate at least some of your weak points .
15 Within the development zone new incentives need to be devised both to attract high calibre general practitioners and other primary health care workers to the inner city and to encourage them to provide the right kind of services .
16 These taxes , to be imposed annually for three years , were intended both to raise revenue and to prevent the conversion of arable land to pasture .
17 Residential workers were expected both to prepare young people for joining a new family and to respond to them if and when these new family relationships failed .
18 Nevertheless , this particular Conservative administration did offer social policies which were designed both to indicate its commitment to dealing with social problems and to undermine the challenge of Labour .
19 So when the Wigan colliers threatened in 1792 to throw down the engines , they were seeking both to pressure the mine owner and to prevent him from reworking the pit with " blackleg " labour , also the likely object of Cornish miners who pulled up the ladders in a dispute of 1795 .
20 In 1983 moves were made both to strengthen the powers of the Comptroller and to strengthen the links between him and the Commons .
21 Several methods were used both to promote and to check on data quality .
22 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
23 Those in the diet group were asked both to reduce their intake of refined carbohydrates and to increase their dietary fibre by substituting high for low fibre products and by taking supplements of standardised wheat bran ( three or four ×7.5 g sachets of Prewett 's coarse wheat bran ) .
24 This latter difficulty , possible manipulation by managers , is found with practically all performance indicators , with gaming often being practised both to meet targets and to downgrade aspects of performance not specifically measured .
25 Mind you , Richard Hannay in John Buchan 's The Thirty-Nine Steps planned his route because people were trying both to kill him and lock him up , and he still seemed to have some fun .
26 Washing is prescribed both to prevent and sterilize infection .
27 The Bank buys and sells daily in the market in a manner which is designed both to achieve its interest rate objectives ( see Ch. 18 ) and to support the market .
28 Action in the majority of adventure stories is seen both to affect and to be affected by character but in the end it is action that has the final word , in the romantic happy ending in which the heroism of man is affirmed .
29 Flooring is supplied both to end users and to Amtico studios and the Coventry despatch also handles all overseas orders .
30 PRESIDENT Alberto Fujimori is striving both to stabilise the economy and to lead the country back into the international financial fold .
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