Example sentences of "be [verb] about all " in BNC.

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1 This is such a sexist comment but boys are taught about all of this stuff before we are they 've got a lo lot more idea about drugs and all that lot than most girls are .
2 Furthermore , nothing has yet been said about all the research that does not depend on the collection of data by the sociologist ( primary data ) but instead makes use of secondary data — the wealth of material already available from other sources , such as government statistics , personal diaries , newspapers , and other kinds of information .
3 Now that , you 're talking about all the troops coming through .
4 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
5 Um going back to this business of people who 've been abused at er as part of , well not exactly abused , people who 've been severely bullied in in sc in the school system , erm particularly when you 're talking about all boys schools , I mean this is one of the problems that they have to contend with .
6 You 're talking about all sorts of geography that I did n't study at school .
7 Oh , we 're talking about sixth forms , Bill , and we 're talking about all schools which have sixth forms and you 're conscious that there are rather a lot of schools with sixth forms in the county and who will feel that it is a significant change .
8 ‘ I suppose you 're thinking about all the gossip — about Riddle being the baby 's father ? ’
9 ‘ With this new album , we 're acknowledging that , if your 're going to look outwards , it 's also important to look within yourself to find out exactly what you , as an individual , are doing about all this destruction , whether it 's political , social or environmental .
10 I am spending about all my time on the bloody thing — ’
11 Under the secret rules of Cabinet procedure , the prime minister has the right to be consulted about all chairmanships and deputy chairmanships of public boards and commissions of inquiry .
12 In a month 's time , she decided , applying some pale lipstick , I 'll be laughing about all this .
13 The same point can be made about all the adjectives in ( 33 ) , e.g. former : ( 36 ) the former king is in prison till next June
14 Similar comments could be made about all the other examples given above .
15 Much could be said about all these characteristics but of most significance for our purpose is the role of impartiality in relation to legislative and legal reasoning .
16 I hope over the next few months to be writing about all these accessories in more detail .
17 Although it may not always be possible or necessary to quantify these factors , information can and should be collected about all of them .
18 ‘ In some ways I 'm not really the guy to be asking about all this , because Quo have such a one-off sound .
19 Today we 'll be talking about all those guarantees that you 've seen when you bought your car and when you bought your refrigerator and when you 've bought almost anything nowadays , because people are being spoiled for choice on guarantees it seems .
20 erm , moving on , erm audio description in Scotland , no er since this , the last meeting , yes Cath and I have been talking about all that money , we had an entertaining day out
21 And above all , hard facts were needed about all the consequences of any of the regimes of treatment which could be adopted .
22 No blinking Sam goes to me , cos we were , we were , we turned Arachnophobia off because people needed the toilet and erm there was Songs of Praise or , you know , something like that and they were talking about all this terrorism , somebody said oh I 'm glad you did n't go to London said but I did and she goes oh no you did n't did you ? worried about me going to London
23 What d' you think I 've been thinking about all the time ?
24 Although we know much about how genes work at the microscopic level , less is known about all the intermediate processes through which genes find expression in phenotypic characters at the macroscopic level of the whole animal .
25 What is striking about all these cases quoted is that , in every one , the eventual victim had already pursued his or her complaint exhaustively behind the scenes with the employer and only went public in desperation when the outrage was intense and no other recourse seemed available .
26 Now he was bitching about all matters technical .
27 he were ever so good and I was told about all these
28 He would make the arrogant assumption that she was complaining about all the times separation would deprive her of him .
29 And as I was saying about all this , you 're saying What did my Mother do to eke it out ?
30 Erm the reason I 'm asking is because I suspect it would have been greater at the time I was talking about all the ago though .
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