Example sentences of "be [verb] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You 're then taken down into the operating theatre and the first injection you are given is usually something on the lines of erm er special K , ketomine or the most common one is
2 He has also , inquiries revealed , sold rather more than the 40 or 50 paintings suggested by the Saatchi Collection spokeswoman in mid-week , and the pattern of his sales suggests that what we are seeing is rather more radical than a ‘ refinement ’ of the collection .
3 I will argue , first , that we are inveterate formers of hypotheses about what we are seeing ; second , that computers can only be programmed to see things if they are provided with suitable models ; and third , that our habit of guessing what we are seeing is astonishingly successful .
4 commented Jo , ‘ The overall standard of the children we are seeing is gradually improving although we still need to encourage many more children to play tennis ’ .
5 In other words their comprehension is at fault , or put another way the text they are using is too difficult for them .
6 Never use silver dip or abrasive powders on gold and be sure to check that any commercial cleaner you are using is specifically designed for gold .
7 In that regard , does my hon. Friend agree that the commission that the Secretary of State has set up under Professor Alexander to look at the way in which primary school children are taught is particularly welcome ?
8 Turning a scornful look upon the gipsy spokesman , he said , ‘ What you are suggesting is quite preposterous .
9 The information you have been given is quite correct : the Lobsters will eat each other , so use separate tanks .
10 The information you have been given is quite correct : the Lobsters will eat each other , so use separate tanks .
11 In general , most people reckon that the cost of credit they have been using is more or less as they had planned .
12 The range of problems on which solicitors are consulted is quite narrow , and of 27 categories adopted in the survey , seven accounted for over 80 per cent .
13 We want to say quite explicitly that the language with which the problems of contemporary urban life are addressed is necessarily problematic .
14 While research can clarify such issues , how they are resolved is essentially a political and ethical question — in the same way as how child abuse is itself defined is essentially a political and ethical question .
15 That they are included is as much for the protection of the member States themselves , who will be responsible for the budget of the organisation and need its field of operations to be defined , as for non-members who need to know the extent of the organisation 's powers .
16 You may be familiar with those sorts of stories which say my convent life was hell with the Sisters of Mercy er that kind of story about er church organisations that absolute not to show er Christian qualities in the way that they are organised is quite true that often Christian organisations do find it hard to show forgiveness .
17 The support given by knitters to the events which are organised is very good .
18 How they are cracked is almost the least interesting part of the walnut story .
19 The interval at which words are deleted is usually between every fifth and every tenth word .
20 Bonemeal is a good base which lasts several years , and can be spread at the rate of about 180–240 g per sq m ( 6–8 oz per sq yd ) , and garden compost into which wood ashes have been mixed is particularly helpful on such soils .
21 Although memory that an arousing slide has been presented is generally likely to be extremely good , there is evidence that the types of details remembered about such a slide may be different from those remembered from more mundane slides .
22 The manner in which this has been done is most inept and we now have the situation where some sections of the 1988 Act are different depending on whether they are being applied to semiconductors or other designs .
23 Whether the compensatory remedy available ‘ together with ’ the restitutionary remedy , could be obtained against an accomplice who was neither a party to the transaction nor a person to whom money or property of the investor had been transferred is equally doubtful .
24 Even though the London TOM has expanded greatly , the number of different securities on which options are written is still a very small proportion of the total number of securities in existence .
25 Though the number of cases where a link between HIV/AIDS and child sexual abuse has been made is relatively small , the long-term implications can not be ignored .
26 A central concern must now be exactly that which was identified by Dent nearly 50 years ago — the ‘ threat to democracy ’ , which it has been argued is also present , although manifested in a different form , in the changes in the legal framework to the university sector .
27 Frequently the evolutionary preconception in terms of which such theories are framed is implicitly group-selectionist , but it is possible to rephrase the theories in terms of orthodox gene selection .
28 Ensuring that all the necessary environmental rules and regulations are met is also Mike 's responsibility , so close liaison with official organisations is another aspect of his daily workload , as is organising and ensuring routine waste monitoring and , if a problem crops up , resolving it .
29 It is too soon to be sure that any such desecration has been avoided , but the excellent scheme by Allies and Morrison which has now been adopted is already on course for completion by the arrival of the Tall Ships in 1992 .
30 We are learning that the way institutions are organized is increasingly a problem for men as well as women .
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