Example sentences of "be [verb] of in " in BNC.

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1 Henry II has never been heard of in Israel ( see chapter 3 ) .
2 ‘ There 's plenty seen with men 's own eyes that 's never been heard of in heaven , ’ said Davide .
3 INSPIRATION may not spring readily from the prosaic-sounding north Midlands town of Southwell but it is the black stuff that dreams are made of in the eyes of Ron and Richard Muddle , the father and son team of racing entrepreneurs extraordinary .
4 They are made of in pieces of redwood or pine .
5 did before or after the events we are told of in the tales , and this holds for the great majority of the fabliaux .
6 It is hardly surprising , therefore , that deposition should be mooted again — it had been talked of in the Gaveston crisis .
7 That there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our understanding .
8 As Shakespeare said ‘ There are more things in Heaven and Earth , Horatio , than are dreamt of in your philosophy . ’
9 But , as we all know , there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in his philosophy .
10 The well-planned research will not present difficulties at the analysis stage , since the purpose of the answers will have been thought of in advance , and all the analysis really does is to fill in the details .
11 dissertation the young Prince Louis de Broglie proposed a way in which waves might be associated with objects like electrons which had hitherto been thought of in purely particle terms ( see Appendix , A2 ) .
12 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
13 In modern English , moral and mental conditions are spoken of in more or less abstract terms ( anger , suspicion , forcefulness and so on ) cut off for the most part , from their etymological roots …
14 When demand and supply are spoken of in relation to one another , it is of course necessary that the markets to which they refer should be the same .
15 Strong measures against ‘ the injustice , discrimination and deprivation which are the material and political causes of sectarianism ’ have been spoken of in previous policy documents .
16 What seems to have occurred is that the texts of the previous generation have been disposed of in preference to any others .
17 Savings have been disposed of in order to meet the growing gap between income and expenditure .
18 The absence of tools , particularly from graves , may actually point more to the decisions which lie behind the choice of grave-goods to be interred with the dead ; tools have a very high use-value and may not therefore have been disposed of in this manner .
19 Indeed , the authorities upon which Mr. Collins relied in support of his submission proved on examination to be cases in which the possibility of a defence had been disposed of in that way .
20 This is the first time that books have been disposed of in this way .
21 Finally , before turning to the security documents themselves , mention should be made of In re Adelphi Hotel ( Brighton ) Ltd. [ 1953 ] 1 W.L.R. 955 , a decision of Vaisey J.
22 Becoming an actor has to be thought of in realistic terms right from the beginning and all possible problems do need to be faced .
23 The differentiation of the different kinds of blood cells can be thought of in terms of the branching pathway model .
24 What takes place between the I and the You is a human transaction which can also be thought of in terms of gesture .
25 Intersection and union of sets can be thought of in terms of the shaded regions in Fig. 0.1 ; such figures are called Venn diagrams .
26 We have shown that polynomials can be thought of in the way we have always thought of them , secure in the knowledge that uncomfortable questions about x can be circumvented .
27 Modernist organizations may be thought of in terms of Weber 's typification of bureaucratized , mechanistic structures of control , as these were subsequently erected upon a fully rationalized base of divided and deskilled labour .
28 These can be thought of in terms of seven organizational imperatives , which he derives from a larger set constructed by Jacques ( 1989 ) .
29 Lyric poetry is not subjective in the ordinary sense ; and in its freedom from subjectivity it should be thought of in the same terms as music .
30 ‘ Implicitly , if not explicitly , the doctoral thesis has come to be thought of in some countries and institutions as simply the demonstration that a certain amount of research methodology has been transmitted and received , with much less emphasis than used to be the case upon the nature and significance of the topic explored . ’
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