Example sentences of "be [verb] [not/n't] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At present , local authorities are building not for the poorest , nor for the slum-dweller , but mainly for those better off .
2 For appeals against sentences imposed by magistrates are heard not by the Court of Appeal , but by the Crown Court .
3 That is done through the planning system and the fact that appeals are heard not by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State but by the Department of the Environment .
4 Well , they are played but not , not very often , and they are treated not with the same respect as we treat them .
5 Seeking to economise its use , Daedalus reflected that most wooden structures are limited not by the strength of wood , but by its stiffness .
6 Even those within the scheme are finding their rights to benefit in practice are limited not by the fact of marriage per se ( as in the 1930s ) , but by their caring responsibilities .
7 In the period following the execution of the Demoiselles Picasso 's art was informed by two main principles or types of tribal art , the one flatter , more abstract and remote from European art , in which the basic planes of the face are differentiated not by relief but by the directions of the striations or hatchings with which they are covered , the other more solid , sculptural , three-dimensional and naturalistic .
8 Here , powers are devolved not by reference to a particular geographical area , but by reference to a particular function or service , such as transport or telecommunications .
9 Viola 's voice had that organ note of the English landed aristocracy , though in her case it had been formed not in the hunting-fields , but on the lonely , sheep expanses of her native land .
10 Could it be that the stripes are intended not for the eyes of lions but for the eyes of other zebras ?
11 They are designed not for experimentation but for implementation .
12 It was no longer so easy to remain an island of reason when every timber surrounding us had been magically selected ; when our departure had been synchronized not with the weather , but with inner portents of another kind of time .
13 In some birds , females are attracted not by the quality of a male 's territory , but by the male himself .
14 Although CD-ROMs look much like CD audio discs , they are encoded not with music but information which can be read and displayed by a computer .
15 Although the Commissioners are committed not to be swayed by the national interests of their own countries , it is clear that Sir Leon Brittan , the Competition Commissioner , has come up against stiff opposition from his colleagues when he has investigated anti-competitive behaviour in some of their countries , most recently over his veto of the Franco-Italian takeover of De Havilland in October 1991 .
16 Although most agency workers are taxed and pay social security contributions as if they were dependent employees , and most think of themselves as an employee of the agency for which they work , the relationship between them and these agencies has been deemed not to be one of employment .
17 These taxes are levied not on particular households or firms but on the goods they buy or sell .
18 From the days of Walter Crane , Randolph Caldecott , Beatrix Potter , and Sir John Tenniel , through to Ardizzone and Sendak , children have been presented not with the watered-down and simplified but with the finest graphic work that established artists are able to produce .
19 These functions have been transferred not to popularly elected boards , but to boards the membership of which is nominated by the Ministers of the Crown .
20 Toward the centre of a rich globular cluster the stars are separated not by light-years , but only by light-weeks or even light-days .
21 My relationship with the director is therefore rather different from most producers ; I am looking not for someone to watch and admire but for someone who can deliver the result .
22 They are seen not as the victims of social problems but as those who contribute to their own victimisation by their irresolution or fatalism or apathy .
23 The disappointment for Newcastle , and for the North-East , is that what might prove to be one of the most crucial games in the club 's history has been decided not by skill , flair and courage — but by dubious refereeing decisions .
24 Our claims to knowledge are legitimised not by their origins … but rather by the norms and rules of inquiry itself .
25 Bonfires are built not in people 's backyards but on the streets outside their doors .
26 Ireland 's Highland Clearances had been made not by Man but by Famine .
27 We are Disabled not by impairment but by a range of discriminatory practices which remove or restrict our abilities and limit our opportunities .
28 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
29 The followers or ‘ administrative staff are selected not on the basis of status or qualification , but according to personal devotion .
30 Surprisingly , the most extreme curriculum has been adopted not in Chicago or Detroit but in Portland , Oregon 's sleepy capital .
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