Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 DJs are whipping them into a frenzy of anticipation from a stage perched above the masses .
2 His rousing address finished with the exciting claim that ‘ IBM has been transforming itself into a solutions company ’ .
3 The build up to the next Olympic games believe it or not is already underway … and our Friday Feature this week comes from Milton Keynes where Britain 's ice skaters have been launching themselves into the challenge of gold
4 Increasingly they are grouping themselves into multiple retail chains , as can be seen from Table 11.10 .
5 The softly spoken threat cut through the haze fogging her brain and she sat bolt upright , knocking away the hand that had been caressing her into submission almost without her realising it .
6 Publications with similar aims are springing up in different countries , and indigenous people are forming themselves into groups to represent their needs and interests .
7 Whether the Council I , I personally would be quite keen to go down there and see A , and we 'd need permission of the land owners , to do this , to see where the link could go across , you know , the best position , so that we , and I believe this is what Councillor is saying , so that we can actually come forward and maybe this ought to be a meeting with the Amenities Committee , maybe the Ramblers and bear in mind as I say again I hate to do these things and the land owner think we 're steamrollering 'em into something without their knowledge .
8 ‘ They 're tearing him into four , ’ said Snodgrass .
9 Oh you want to walk on that , oh Charlotte come on then , you 're pushing me into the road .
10 If you 're lying in bed trying to go to sleep and you 're screwing yourself into a ball of self-disgust , you 're gon na find the sheets get colder and your limbs get stiffer , and if you do n't break the mood you 'd be better out of bed .
11 The pins on VGA monitor cables are so thin they usually bend when you 're plugging them into your PC .
12 So you 're ploughing everything into the business at this moment
13 and they 're putting them into auction and the people that have got spare money
14 It 's all going to it er , they 're putting it into a ma massive voice bank .
15 They wo n't take any notice of us , Baptiste said : the ambulance is round the front , I saw it , and they 're carrying him into the downstairs bit .
16 You 're working yourself into a state .
17 Even as the guards are ushering them into the corridor , the carriage rolls into an immense echoing workshop .
18 ‘ Now you are forcing me into the most obvious remark of the week : I only do what I want — within our poor human limits .
19 PUPILS are selling themselves into slavery this week in a bid to raise money for a worthy cause .
20 I 'm caught in the cross-fire between on one side the US which wants to export computers , the motor and textile industries which complain they can not modernise and thus compete without a change in the law , and on the other side the Brazilian computer industry which argues we are leading them into bankruptcy .
21 As the Factory supremo Tony Wilson pointed out at the time , ‘ New Order are leading us into an age of passionate computer music ’ .
22 Er Robert said Charlotte who 's two and a half she 's always been pretty but erm Robert said right , mother 's babysitting on the nineteenth so organize I I 've been getting them into bed and then I 've gave them a little bit of milk or whatever they want and then they 've had toast with jam on .
23 around or over the world in 30 days of driving … that 's the dream of two local motoring enthusiasts who are taking their old morgan car on the longest … the toughest rally of them all … they 've been getting themselves into gear in the Malverns and we 're off there to join them for our Friday feature
24 The line operates every Tuesday and gets dozens of calls , because , despite the fact that there have been fewer home repossessions over the last few months , the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux say that more people are getting themselves into debt .
25 ‘ My orders , little friar , are that you are to accompany me into Cheapside to a tavern called the Bear and Ragged Staff .
26 If not , this recipe , plus French Cheddar — by no means an uninteresting cheese ( French Dairy Farmers Ltd , 17 Bentinck Street , w.1 are importing it into England ) — should help ; and a new French regional dish will have come into being .
27 Campese , scorer of a record 51 Test tries , the most recent against Ireland last weekend , had second thoughts about taking his World Cup winners ' medal into retirement , despite his claim that rugby players are running themselves into the ground .
28 His original intention had been to convert it into a school for Reich SS leaders , but by the time the architects and builders had finished and many millions of marks had been spent , he had created a Gothic monstrosity worthy of stage six at MGM , a vast film set of the kind Hollywood was fond of when historical pictures were the vogue .
29 ‘ We have been plunging them into boiling water for years and it is ridiculous to say we are being cruel .
30 The International Centre , which gets off the ground officially with a ministerial blessing ( jokes aside ) at its launch next week , wo n't be booking anyone into any conferences in Nice , the Gambia or Malta .
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