Example sentences of "be [verb] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I said I 've been phoning all the time , I said , and I still do n't know about it !
2 The odds are shortening all the time against him emerging as a big time trainer in his own right .
3 ‘ I guess you 've been seeing all the sights , same as we have ?
4 Different opinions are given all the time .
5 Where VMS System Management decisions have to be made , you are given all the relevant information to enable you to correctly determine your requirements .
6 But we are given such a huge sweep from birth to incipient death that the movie never draws breath long enough to give us any depth or conflict .
7 How is it that the majority of people are given such a highly distorted overall picture of the nature and incidence of sexual violence ?
8 These victims are also quite evidently vermin too , like the foxes , hares , rats , badgers and defeated boxers that are given such a hard time in the established sports of Old England .
9 If there is no wool available to them , cats with an urge to re-create the pleasures of sucking at the maternal nipple have been known to suck their own fur , sometimes their feet and sometimes the tips of their tails ; or they occasionally develop a fixation on their owner 's hair and make repeated attempts to suck on that , if they are given half a chance .
10 More and more housewives are using such a product .
11 So DREADCO chemists are using all the cunning of modern catalytic chemistry to polymerize coal in situ .
12 If the control knobs had been placed half an inch or so higher then the selector could be placed below them , thus bringing it nearer to the player 's right hand .
13 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
14 If it seems you are training hard — perhaps you are fatigued all the time — you are probably training at too high a level .
15 Living in a totalitarian system , he said , ‘ you are taught all the time that it 's unbreakable .
16 But erm I mean th th the debate yesterday was , was as , as budget issues always are I mean when you 're talking about budget no matter , even in boom years you 're always still talking oh we have n't got enough money erm but it was positive in the sense that it was A we 're coming off the back of some good performance , and that 's important to remember , and all I 'm saying is there 's no reason why we should n't be able to maintain our performance , even if we ca n't improve it in the next two or three months erm from , to where we actually think we should have been given that the systems come in last year .
17 Finally , it should be pointed out that one of the grounds on which under section 432 the Secretary of State may appoint inspectors to investigate and report on the affairs of a company is that ‘ the company 's members have not been given all the information with respect to its affairs which they might reasonably expect ’ — whether or not that information is such that they have an express statutory right to be told it .
18 When her brother had looked likely to become a chip off the old block , he 'd been given all the support of a loving father intent on realising his own dreams through his son .
19 Dear love , I get plenty of time to think about us these days , and I 'm more than ever grateful that I have been given such a wonderful person as you to be my wife .
20 In the course of his opinion in Maitland , the Lord President ( Clyde ) observed that the nobile officium should be exercised where a formal step had been per incuriam , omitted , and unnecessary delay and expenditure would result if the whole procedure had to be carried out again ; but that it was not to be used as a cloak for incompetence to extend a statutory remedy to a party who had not been given such a remedy , or , by consent of parties , to supplement statutory procedure by what would be an amendment of a statute .
21 She was beginning to attract attention in dramatic roles but had never been given such an opportunity for anguished emotion , and she rose to it whole-heartedly .
22 Within minutes he had reached the streets leading to the allotment gardens that he would skirt , to find the phone box he had been using all the time he had been in hiding .
23 The newspaper industry would be just as hard hit … and they 've been using all the means at their disposal to wage war with the Chancellor .
24 Have you been using that the whole day ?
25 The arch of Porta Romana ai Bastioni , to give it its full title , was built in 1598 to commemorate Margherita of Austria leaving the city on her way to marry Philip III of Spain , although the ramparts into which it was fitted had been erected half a century before .
26 Does n't bother me You , Stu and I have been broken hearted a few months ago and I 've cried over him not coming to see me but not any more .
27 We wanted to see if Isabella and Edgar Linton are punished all the time by their parents , as we are . ’
28 However , advances are happening all the time .
29 This begs the question why the Democrats and the White House are staging such a divisive quarrel , at a time when agreement on a deficit-cutting budget for 1990 is already overdue ( the nominal deadline passed yesterday ) .
30 More are appearing all the time , and nineteen eighty two will be no more than a particularly rich year for them .
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