Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Global warming or any of the thousand other worries that come under the environmental heading may or may not have a sound scientific basis , but subjective judgement is still required to determine what priority to give them , and what rules , actions and expenditure are justified to relieve them .
2 Even toxic wastes might be reclaimed in this way , provided they are treated to make them safe .
3 But be warned : they may grow tall and leggy — plants are treated to make them short and bushy for one season .
4 As stated a few paragraphs higher , the rules for self-employed pension plans have been altered to bring them in line with other personal pensions .
5 This is manifested in a strong desire to break away from corporate environments seen as financially restrictive , especially those businesses which are obviously very profitable but where the profits are not fairly shared out among those who are helping to generate them .
6 The transfer is made non-stop , during which the levels of synchronised sound and music are adjusted to mix them in and out as required .
7 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
8 The School has taken a number of steps to maintain these numbers by continual monitoring and updating the programmes it offers ; the Financial Studies degrees have recently been re-structured to make them more attractive to students wishing to enter the financial services industry ; Mathematics continues to expand the portfolio of the degree combination it offers .
9 Aimed at network operators and telecommunications providers , the resulting products are intended to enable them introduce new value-added services and products .
10 The courses are aimed at senior management and are intended to provide them with the knowledge and skills to exploit AIT effectively in their business .
11 The tiny Regency houses had no doubt been listed to spare them the attentions of developers ; from the state of the paving stones and the grass-studded cracks in the roadway , it seemed that the town council too had passed them by .
12 Efforts were made to send Jewish teachers with Jewish evacuees ( British and refugee ) , and a letter went out to all RCM children who had been uprooted reminding them of their faith and upbringing .
13 This requires that answers be precoded so that the responses can be fed straight into a computer which has been programmed to receive them .
14 Their flattened bellies reflect their bottom-dwelling and fast water lifestyles , and they have rasping teeth in their suckermouths , which are designed to allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm .
15 Such rituals and procedures are designed to restore them to their proper place within the people of God and within the inner circle of his blessing .
16 They are being engaged in activities which have a direct relevance to work they are already involved in , and which they can see are designed to help them do this work more effectively .
17 Araminta had been driven to the celebrations in the gig by Adam Diggory , scorning Benedict 's escort , and Mrs Diggory had been permitted to accompany them so that she might visit her mother , who lived on the Switham estates .
18 Well , it means that whatever other people 's attitude to teachers may be , Christians are expected to love them , because however successfully they manage to hide it , all teachers are human and therefore designed by God to carry his likeness .
19 Agencies are given budgets and are expected to use them in the most efficient way possible .
20 Children must be given the opportunity to talk through their ideas before they are expected to write them down .
21 More than 27,000 Geordies are expected to will them to victory and avoid a first ever drop into the third division .
22 In particular , you need to be certain about how many assignments you will be given and when you are expected to hand them in .
23 If other members of the psychogeriatric team had agreed that the development officer should try to support some of these clients , or had been pressing to have them discharged , she would undoubtedly have agreed to try .
24 I will expand further on this dichotomy between quality and quantity of ‘ crime ’ in Chapter 5 , but would argue that the chase for numerical detections in which detectives everywhere are immersed moves them across another conceptual boundary and takes them into a statistical world away from their previous world as ‘ real polises ’ where the central classifier of conflict with the ‘ prig ’ remains , as ever , in a power struggle over the body ( Foucault 1977 ) .
25 Trains on different services pull in to the same platform , and turnouts are installed to enable them to move in and out and pass one another .
26 Been wanting to get them off for hours .
27 At this stage the initially stated hypotheses will be restated against the data which have been collected to test them , and the retention or discarding of the hypothesis will take place .
28 Just over half ( 55% ) of all applicants said that something could have been done to help them .
29 Erm Jim asked me if we could pay up er as soon as the job had been done to help them with their cash flow situation district council .
30 The weaving brushes are normally in non-working position , and before starting to weave the levers are moved to put them into working position .
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