Example sentences of "be [noun] you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ’ There are times you do n't agree in football .
2 There 's also a general view in the community that community care itself is not necessarily really working very well , there 's some fears about it , some uncertainties and a member did mention , it may have been Jim you know or somebody mentioned about the seven hours domiciliary , from my experience as a councillor I am not sure that simply because that figure exists that that means that that is satisfying the need of those people and in any case the sort of people who need to go into residential care , who can no longer be maintained in their home , with whatever help we give them or with whatever help their family have to give them they 're not necessarily the sort of people who we 're talking about need to go in a home .
3 There are voices you turn to as a friend , and you do n't just turn your back on your friends if they go off the rails .
4 They 're strippers you know .
5 When you 're vice-president you have a lot more spare time . ’
6 Wimbledon are sods you know
7 Therefore , the one is a destination which you 'll probably find you 'd prefer to go to for a long weekend or perhaps a , part of your annual holiday etcetera , our parks are places you go to for a day out and I think therefore there is a very er , strong difference between the sort of visit and because I feel that EuroDisney which will undoubtedly will be good , it 's a proven formula er , it 's run well er , it appeals to a lot of people and therefore it will be I think er , successful , exactly how successful I obviously ca n't say , but it will be successful , it will certainly attract British visitors , but they 'll come back , looking er , with certain higher expectation , a value for money , quality etcetera , etcetera .
8 So how are things you know , said that in the last few say , in five years , that things have changed .
9 ‘ There are things you do n't know . ’
10 There are things you do n't know .
11 ‘ He looks strong , ’ DeVore said after a moment , ‘ but there are things you do n't know about him .
12 ‘ Jessamyn , there are things you have to know about the treatment . ’
13 ‘ Sometimes there are things you have to do , ’ she said , ‘ and sometimes there are n't .
14 ‘ But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
15 Months are things you live with .
16 ‘ There are people you answer to other than Hilary Todd . ’
17 I mean , there must be meetings you have to go to , people you 've got to see , things that have to be organised . ’
18 you 'd have to be study you know time and that there , ooh I know it 's a grand thing is education lessons , but
19 What always amazes me when we play scrabble I mean , things that I consider to be slang you know , on the odd time I thought well I 'll try that
20 There must be things you need to know about Sleet . ’
21 To be priority you have to have children or be disabled .
22 and I was saying to myself , why should I be dropping off to sleep like this , it 's got ta be fumes you know
23 We saw , we saw one or two others that were involved , that were involved in it , and er I were talking to the , one of the young producers that were there and er and I said if you 're short of some ac actors I said me and my mate will be actors you know , oh she said you 're dressed just right I 'll tell ya
24 You know and I said I , I 'm Margaret you know , Adrian from the City Council was you know I , er sort of thing like that , I was trying to think how I was going to say it
25 ‘ There are friends you like and friends you do n't like . ’
26 These are stages you have to work through and questions you should answer :
27 Turn to that chapter now if there are issues you need help with right away .
28 ‘ Ramprakash is a lad who could be a superb player , but there are standards you have to abide by .
29 God , we used to come here when we were kids you know ?
30 And we sort of walked round the town and back to where we 'd parked the car and there were there were places you know , pubs and cafes which are
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