Example sentences of "be [adj] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Amongst the many excellent and well researched books that have been written on the subject of bereavement the following are outstanding in their capacity to help those who have suffered a major loss : Grief and how to live with it by Sarah Morris ( published in 1971 by George Allen and Unwin ) ; A grief observed by C. S. Lewis ( published in 1961 by Faber and Faber ) — of particular interest to widowers — and Bereavement .
2 In all countries the poor are more national than the rich , but the English working class are outstanding in their abhorrence of foreign habits … .
3 The family of Jesus is not made up of people who are righteous in everything , peaceful whatever happens , joyful at every moment .
4 More ( 1967 ) in a review of hydrological models in geography concluded that although there are large areas of overlap between hydrology and geography , the two disciplines have developed quite separately , that many of the hydrological models developed have not been geographic in their inception , but that geographers should not ignore the implications of the fast-moving science of hydrology .
5 The Guardian , Times and Evening Standard have been half-hearted in their approach to paperback originals ; and the lowest scores were notched up by Today and the Financial Times .
6 With the thought of the malevolent listening bug on the sea-floor dominating every other in his mind , Talbot had sought Lieutenant Denholm 's advice on the question of noise suppression : Denholm had not been half-hearted in his recommendations , with the result that the use of all mechanical devices on the ship , from generators to electric shavers , had been banned .
7 Opinion on the McSharry plan has been sharply divided with organisations dedicated to small and medium sized farmers joining with environmentalists in their support for it while leading figures such as the Minister for Agriculture , John Gummer have been loud in their opposition .
8 After attempting to defend ministers who had been hesitant in their support of the coup , Gorbachev agreed that the whole Cabinet should resign , and that the new Prime Minister should be a Russian — possibly Silayev .
9 If peats can be drained , sweetened ( brought to a neutral pH ) and kept mechanically strong enough to support plants , they are complete in themselves , although when ploughed they can oxidize rapidly into non-existence .
10 The reason why the Opposition do not like Question Time and try to drown my right hon. Friend out is that they know that we are right in everything that we say and that the country will not support them on their policies .
11 ‘ You are right in what you said , and perhaps it 's a good thing that all this has happened , to clear the air .
12 My good sense knows you are right in your stark decision , and yet I regret my good friend .
13 At the same time these results are likely to be slow , and if we are right in our conclusion that we are faced at the present time with a certain amount of abnormal employment of a quasi-permanent character , then it is not sufficient to solely rely on the gradual improvement of productive efficiency .
14 If we are right in our inferences about the rules for associative learning , they clearly do seem to have adapted qualities .
15 Mr Beaton told the court that he had been asleep in his cab when two men with Glasgow accents woke him up by placing a bag over his head .
16 Deciding whether testing programmes are economic in their use of resources is a more difficult problem .
17 I trust that he will take account of the road safety dangers that are inherent in his policy .
18 But he 's been odd in his manner these last few days , no doubt about that .
19 But there is no sign of staleness : the performances at the Haymarket are terrific in their strength .
20 The London County Council had , for example , been innovative in its approach to the public provision of both education and housing for working-class people .
21 Summing up , Nick Carey believes that ICI has been innovative in its approach towards the rationalization of its petrochemicals business — necessary because production capacity in europe was far too high .
22 But , if I am right in my analysis , one can not simply be content to say that , if his conviction is restored , the respondent will have suffered no injustice .
23 They are shy in their wings …
24 While such concerns are admirable in their no-nonsense practicality , they represent a significant decline in ambition when compared with the other criminologies that have appeared during the two hundred years that have passed since Beccaria wrote .
25 The American people would like the chance to return that hospitality in the many ways that are possible in our vast country .
26 No-one could say that our news programmes , for example , have been weak-kneed in their coverage over the past eighteen months of the NHS or the recession in the UK economy .
27 In this context the 1912 Minority Report on Divorce may have been right in its opinion that ‘ a blow in one class of life might not be the unforgiveable injury it would be in another ’ .
28 The other two grown-ups would see that Maman had been right in her judgement .
29 She had been right in her summing-up of him .
30 Rourke had made no move to contact her after she had left the office yesterday morning , and that had to mean that she had been right in her assumptions .
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