Example sentences of "the world [conj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Muller 's nineteenth-century ‘ doctrine of specific energies ’ formalized the ordinary observation that different sense organs are sensitive to different physical properties of the world and that when they are stimulated , sensations specific to those organs are experienced .
2 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
3 The only thing I can do now is to let out a great shout with you , ‘ Ça ira ’ for men and for people , believing that man is a world worth many times the world and that the most ardent ambitions are those which have the pride of Anonymity .
4 The argument is that you only have one life , that you are the most important person in the world and that if you do n't take responsibility for your own development , who else will ?
5 Thomas Carter came right out and told you that he thought England was the only truly civilized country in the world and that as the most English of English cities , Oxford was its heart and soul , the core of everything that had formed us , the repository of our values and the guarantor of our standards , an expression in stone of our whole Western civilization , a cultural Stonehenge which , etc , etc .
6 There are an estimated 0.38 hectares per person in the world and that a person on a Western diet needs 0.62 hectares .
7 It may be that they have been without God and alone and lost in the world and that through the preaching of the word they have become Christians .
8 This report was the result of four months ' research , including material relating to Britain , Belgium , South Africa , Canada and the US , and noted that the IDA 's and the IIRS 's ‘ complacent attitude ’ towards asbestos was not shared by many eminent bodies throughout the world and that there was movement towards the phasing out of asbestos .
9 ‘ People say I 've got the best serve in the world and that if I do n't serve well I can not win matches . ’
10 In earlier years , is it true that you attended a Senior Management Seminar as a representative of the International Sports Company , ( Dunlop , Slazenger , Carlton , Litesome ) , and stated that you had the two finest wooden rackets in the world and that you had no intention of following the fibreglass and graphite racket trend as it was all a flash in the pan ?
11 He writes songs that bare their roots with an unsubtle pride , and in choosing to cover both a Ron Wood song and a very Clash-version influenced ‘ Pressure Drop ’ , he has outlined his mission very clearly ; namely , to be the sort of rock musician who thinks that Keith Richards is a force for change in the world and that Los Angeles poodle metal is bollocks .
12 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
13 Player told the crowd that Olazabal was the best young player in the world and that he was quite impressed with the way he had scored so well while playing so poorly .
14 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
15 It clearly substantiates this Government 's commitment to ensuring that we maintain a national health service that is the envy of the world and that we continue to improve upon it .
16 tt right , yeah , incomes have risen throughout the world and that impacts both on the demand for agricultural products and also the demand for manufactured products but what do we know about demand elasticities for those two products , income elasticities what 's the income elasticity of manufactured goods ?
17 She said he did n't have an enemy in the world and that his murder had left the whole family devastated .
18 Erm the young ones will remember Nottingham Forest but the ones with any depth I think are well aware that we are the oldest club in the world and that they were very keen to have a look at the ground .
19 She did not believe that it was going to change the world or that every minute detail was worth the drama and emotionalism that the others seemed to want to pour into it .
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