Example sentences of "the important point be " in BNC.

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1 The important points are artificially emphasized and the complications are removed to reduce confusion .
2 When looking at the paddle and arm positions the important points are as follows :
3 One of the important points was to get the offer of independent arbitration where all else has failed .
4 The important point is not the long-term justification , or lack of it , of the resettlement programme but the very authoritarian manner of its conception and implementation .
5 The important point is that if one ultradian peak is missed then the baby waits until the next peak .
6 The important point is that melatonin might be a link between the environment and body clock in ourselves also and its release might promote inactivity or tiredness .
7 But the important point is not that they would hesitate to do it , but that we would not be interested if they did .
8 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
9 The important point is this : whether or not Kingfisher-plus-Dixons would have a market share of 26 per cent or 22 per cent , a successful takeover would give a single company a large and powerful share of electrical retailing .
10 Of course , this can only be verified by a complete inventory , but the important point is that the sampling methods used , and the way in which the results were extrapolated to apply to the whole collection , are based on a sound mathematical theory which is widely used and tested in other fields , and therefore carried sufficient weight to satisfy the Museum and its auditors .
11 For our present purpose , however , the important point is that a hierarchical pattern is what we expect to see if the objects being classified have originated by a process of branching .
12 The important point is that , if energy is supplied , a homogeneous spatial field can become inhomogeneous .
13 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
14 In an indefinitely long game , the important point is that we can both win at the expense of the banker , rather than at the expense of one another .
15 The important point is that you do make the attempt and gradually refine the questions to a point where you are reasonably satisfied with the answers .
16 The important point is that the words are directed at the trustee .
17 The important point is that librarians may at least be aware of its existence .
18 The important point is that increased use of advanced production technology represents a growth area for supply of the equipment involved .
19 The important point is that a basic awareness of body language enables us not only to recognize danger signals from other people but also to tell those around us that we do n't intend to submit meekly to being attacked .
20 The important point is that , while being helpful and polite , you must stay out of kicking or punching range , and you must make sure that the stranger is then unable to narrow the gap between the two of you .
21 We can each supply our own particulars but the important point is that Rich has set us going with her place — her place that grows out of memory .
22 The important point is that none of these beings is referred to as evil , nor their harmful acts as aggressive or violent .
23 For them , the important point is that these figures are produced by the state .
24 The important point is to recognize that these methodological difficulties exist and allow awareness of them to influence our interpretation of experimental results .
25 The important point is to write the information in a clear and logical fashion .
26 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
27 For our purposes , the important point is that variants of these intermediate or compromise schemes were propounded by both Protestant and Catholic scholars .
28 The important point is not whether Luther and Calvin happened to make peremptory remarks , exuding a lifetime 's confidence in a pre-Copernican cosmology , but whether their exegetical principles implied an inevitable clash as the new system gained in plausibility .
29 The important point is to learn to recognize the moment at which the whisking process is complete .
30 Whether or not methodological individualists subscribe to such views , for them , the important point is that the levers of power are to be found in the hands of strategically placed individuals or groups .
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