Example sentences of "the way it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know what it was , the mist , the way it hung , hot and heavy like a blanket , the weirdness and the exhaustion of the long night drive up the coast , but I suddenly realised I was scared .
2 In retrospect , one can see far better than even he could see at the time how deeply the logic of the ‘ New Theology ’ , biblical and historical rather than scholastic , was bound to challenge the whole shape of the contemporary Church and the way it perceived orthodoxy .
3 Corbett gulped the rich , red wine , relishing the way it warmed his stomach .
4 Ford began changing the way it treated its suppliers in 1980 by rating them for qual ity .
5 A hospital has been criticised for the way it treated a seventy nine year old woman who had cancer .
6 In 1986 , one of America 's largest and oldest enterprises announced that it was changing the way it assigned its personnel : the US Army discarded a system that assigned soldiers to their units individually in favor of a system that keeps teams of soldiers together for their entire tours of duty .
7 We 've always had drams , but the way it developed was like a natural progression .
8 She dressed quickly in a slim cream silk dress that had no ornament at all , relying for its impact on the way it followed the curves of her body , gently touching and emphasising full breasts , narrow waist and the flare of her hips .
9 After redesigning from scratch the way it processed orders from customers , it has cut delivery times from 8-12 weeks to ‘ days ’ even while using 35% fewer people to do the job .
10 The hood had slipped back from his head when he fell , by the way it lay bunched in his neck .
11 Obviously the way it tumbled — nay , cascaded — down on to the Gyggle chest had close associations with those prophetic beards that lingered in my memory from many hours of tilted observation in cathedrals and museums , yet something about the beard 's rigidity , its apparent inflexibility , said Assyria , Sumeria .
12 If , however , her main dislike of Ken 's sexual behaviour was the way it coloured his career , then she has perhaps cause for concern .
13 Do you have any reminiscences of the the Great War and the way it affected , were many of the men called up to serve from the area ?
14 And there was something in his smile and the way it affected her , something in the way his eyes probed into her , that prompted her to add , ‘ To tell the truth , I do n't really expect that ever to happen . ’
15 The other thing I noticed was my mood and the way it affected the lesson , from the videos , like if I was wound up , or tense or upset , the lessons were a real shambles .
16 Thornton , on the other hand , understood a lot about the caring side of capitalism , but was firmly wedded to the way it operated .
17 Or that was the way it seemed .
18 Or at least that was the way it seemed .
19 John marvelled at the way it seemed to be thinking for itself .
20 ‘ It is the way it seemed to me , ’ Ven stated , but then qualified — and her heart started to thunder again , ‘ But then , until I met you , I 'd never before experienced — jealousy . ’
21 That 's the way it looked out in the halls as they each displayed a show car as bright as any we 've seen since Tokyo last year .
22 But in spite of the way it looked Martin had faked his own death — and done it damned successfully .
23 Well , that 's the way it looked from the back .
24 That was the way it looked four hundred feet up .
25 That 's the way it looked .
26 The future of the ABA was threatened last year when the Council withdrew funding , insisting that the boxing organisation needed to change the way it managed its affairs .
27 ‘ The initial attraction was advertising , ’ he says , ‘ and particularly the way it achieved communication in such a slick way .
28 We will not track the development of the MEP in detail but , despite many criticisms of the way it achieved its objectives , it certainly established the widespread use of computers in British schools .
29 Brady explained : ‘ Jack Charlton wrote to me , saying he was sorry about the way it had ended and expressing the hope that we could still have a decent relationship .
30 These more loyal long service employees had an intuitive feeling that the division would ultimately go out of business in the UK if it continued to operate in the way it had behaved over the previous ten years .
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