Example sentences of "the way that we " in BNC.

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1 And there are readers who have been deeply moved and impressed in the ways that we have described by books that can not be described as the best of anything .
2 For the rest of us , it seems commonplace and obvious that we should be able to think , imagine , perceive and remember in the ways that we do , and we tend to take it for granted that the rest of the world has the same sort of experience of everyday life that we do .
3 They find it very difficult to cook for themselves , shop for themselves and generally look after themselves in all the ways that we would accept as being quite normal .
4 We use the words ‘ give us this day our daily bread ’ , and seldom say ‘ thank you ’ for the ways that we see answers to the prayer .
5 And er again just to you know recall some of that to you know the some of the ways that we think about that will be developed in this section .
6 How do we actually manage to deal with them , some of the ways that we can actually do that .
7 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
8 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
9 Nor can we think of the Christian God as three persons in the way that we normally consider them to be , or we would surely have to conclude that it was a religion committed to polytheism .
10 God is not present in the way that we are present , in bodily form .
11 Look , with a bloody sword , and a horse all sweat , this is the way that we conquer the Moors !
12 It does mean , however , that the process of drawing inferences is more tentative than in experiments , based on if-then reasoning : if it is the case that the true causal story about the variables is as we imagine ( playing God in the way that we did just now with absenteeism ) , then we would expect to find a statistical effect of X on Y .
13 One way is to use two factors , rather in the way that we did for documents , and these two factors will be called ‘ participation ’ and ‘ control ’ .
14 It must be difficult for them to understand when the way that we use ‘ big ’ is so confusing .
15 Why did we respond in the way that we did ?
16 ‘ But the way that we are playing , not too many teams will fancy taking us on .
17 And — an important factor this , in view of the way that we found some commercial lenders now tend to make repetitive and cumulative borrowing almost an end in itself , rather than simply the means of funding one desired purchase — the union has no interest in persuading its members to borrow .
18 In this book Intoxication , Californian psychopharmacologist Ronald Siegel claims humans may have a fourth primary instinct — we need to get high , to change the way that we feel by artificial needs .
19 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
20 What still seems most important to me , after seven years , is still the callers and the way that we do or do n't service their needs .
21 ‘ I am in covenant with other church leaders in Yorkshire and this , I think has a great significance — the way that we work together and the personal friendships that are growing between us .
22 ‘ Personal contacts and friendships , I believe , are the way that we actually get to respect each other and therefore find that the differences between us are not quite as great as we had thought .
23 Our measure of progress is that the way that we ask these questions has changed .
24 What the world needs — and is increasingly getting — says Nathan Myhrvold , the company 's head of advanced technology , is ‘ innovation in the way that we distribute information ; we still communicate mainly by smearing ink across dead trees . ’
25 Typically , tradition weighs heavily on us : curriculums are organised and taught in the way that we have always done it .
26 Let us try to account for the ( most probable ) different interpretations of bank in the way that we did for car .
27 erm , when we are victims of crime , and personally I think that there are two main reasons for that , one reason certainly is that when women erm are victims of crime that there is of a sexual nature or domestic violence , part of the way that we have been brought up and part of the way that those crimes have been portrayed , is to portray them as our fault
28 A a and certainly the way that we are set up at the moment , there is no need for us to do that .
29 And and we bind it in th n in the way that we
30 The way that we continue , our clients , the ones that we contract with , are anxious to continue working with us .
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