Example sentences of "the first [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Often a boy 's father was the first to take him below .
2 His mother Edith was the first to see him after he 'd staggered home .
3 On subsequent journeys I would always try to be the first to see it and shout , ‘ There it is , I saw it first ! ’
4 In the first use it is a lifeless , dull word but the second time it is used it is as if the day has been given life to grow and expand .
5 One of the first to treat her was the noted Jungian psychotherapist Dr Allan McGlashan , a friend of Laurens van der Post , who has consulting rooms conveniently near to Kensington Palace .
6 This Act , known as the Addison Act after its sponsor the minister of health , while not the first legislation to allow local authority house building , was the first to subsidize it .
7 Well that 's the first wash it 's had all week !
8 No , it said for the first wash it 's a very strong rinse
9 The first step you take is to reassess and analyse your situation .
10 Sister Cooney had been the first to hint it to him .
11 In the first take we all ran totally naked off the set — Ken , nostrils flaring as camp as ever — into a whole group of girls who had heard it was going to happen .
12 for the first crossover you take three stitches from the left and cross them with the three centre stitches .
13 King Charles the first praised it 's beauty .
14 The first alleges he set fire to clothing valued at £10 in Littlewoods store in Oxford city centre , the second alleges that a few minutes later he set fire to clothing worth about £100 at the Nicklebys store nearby .
15 The first told him he was irrational , that the obsession was dangerous .
16 ‘ This was the first fight I found myself screaming .
17 If inviting an elderly parent to come to live with you in your own home seems to be the best way of helping her in her last years , the first overtures you make to her on this subject need to be very tactful , bearing all the hallmarks of a really welcoming invitation .
18 The first sign you will notice is your gums bleeding , when you brush your teeth .
19 Stukeley is the first to give it a definite site and the discovery of skeletons in Rock Close in 1816 encouraged Drakard in his History of Stamford to give this as its position .
20 After the first plunge you should endeavour to pull the fish off balance , which is usually not too difficult with these deep but narrow-bodied fish .
21 And the years rolled away , and it was a different room , yet still the same , the room where she 'd had her first ; old white paint with the grudging cleanliness of not quite enough scrubbing ; the sticky rubber mat under her bottom , that made her wonder what other bottoms had lain on it , wonder desperately enough to take her mind off her panic at the instrument 's entry onto her , and the thought , it 's like the first screw you ever had — why do we do it , why do we go on doing it ?
22 The first to supplant it as the final stepping-stone to the highest offices of the learned profession seems to have been the altmsli ( 60-akce ) class .
23 Mother Francis is always the first to judge you girls by the uniforms you wear . ’
24 Peter was the first to say he was going indoors ; he took one of his bottles of wine with him and Alice and Tom followed .
25 It was brilliant and I 'm the first to say it .
26 It is easy to understand how the Lehman ‘ Madonna ’ continued to astonish even the restorers Mario Modestini and Pico Cellini , and the art historian Federico Zeri , who were the first to say it was modern , and correctly guessed its authorship .
27 Still most people would be the first to say it 's the thought that counts .
28 Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey were among the first to import them into England , and the painter Hans Holbein has since had a particular type of design named after him because of the number of times it featured in his portraits of Henry and the English Court , Similarly , the Flemish painter Hans Memlinc provides ample pictorial evidence of the passion for oriental rugs in the Netherlands and the Northern Europe .
29 As a matter of fact , he hated anyone to get to the post before himself , needed to be the first to turn them over and sort them out .
30 As he says : ‘ The first game against Fiji was very important to us and the first try we scored ( by fullback Scott Stewart on a return pass from left wing Steve Gray ) was incredibly important .
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