Example sentences of "the time he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After writing for The Observer and The Times he returned to The Guardian as cricket and , subsequently , wine correspondent in the late 1960s .
2 He flipped back through the book looking at his entries , neat , and pages of notes about the pheasants and the weather and the times he 'd been up there .
3 Suddenly he thumped the arm of his chair with his fist , remembering all the times he 'd caught Stella on the stairs in the middle of the night , staring at the telephone .
4 She got an answering machine and was pretty certain that she recognized his voice from the times he 'd given a television reporter a few words at the scene of crime .
5 In spite of all the times he had been there Adam missed the turn-off that was the drift leading down to Wyvis Hall .
6 He was already owed money by Hope for the times he had taken him fishing .
7 He seemed especially interested in the times he had Vulcan out at night , as he did so often last year .
8 But the image of Dinah would not leave him , and was strengthened by the times he visited the theatre and saw her in the flesh .
9 In the following year he crossed Manchuria from Statensk in Siberia to Vladivostok , and during his time as Far Eastern correspondent of The Times he visited every province of China except Tibet .
10 THE Daily Post 's chief photographer Stephen Shakeshaft remembered Les Dawson with affection during the times he worked with him .
11 Many are the times he has held up busy working schedules because he has become fascinated by someone he has encountered in a crowd .
12 A naturally shy man , who does n't boast about his achievements , and had never previously agreed to any magazine interview , Zarei will not say who the winning runner was , and is reluctant to talk about the times he has put sportsmanship before victory , unless his motives are misinterpreted .
13 By the time he limped to the scullery door she was back again , broom in hand , and had begun attacking mud that had been tramped inside the kitchen during the past week .
14 In Genet 's case it produced among other things Prisoner of Love , a record of the time he spent with the Black Panthers 's in the US and Palestinian soldiers in Jordan and Lebanon .
15 Charles enjoyed the time he spent with his wife and children , but the events of the last four years had been no less momentous for him , and his way of coping with the stress and tensions in his life had always been by testing himself physically .
16 Although he produced valuable results at St Andrews , his major contributions did not come until later , as half the time he spent there coincided with the First World War , when the laboratories were turned over to the production of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals .
17 He originally planned to earn enough cash selling computers to pay for the time he spent on the race track .
18 At one level , June Braithwaite attacked Robert about the time he spent away from home and what he did and did not do for the children .
19 The rest of the time he spent with Diniz , and Katelina .
20 One sign that the marriage was in trouble was the time he spent giving after-dinner speeches recently .
21 During the course of a week , his nursery teacher gave him a simple task once a day and noted the time he spent on this task .
22 Horsley 's CND activities went back to his days at Oxford , when the time he spent on demonstrations was one of the reasons for his third-class degree .
23 From them and from a local solicitor , Thomas Watson Brown , he learned much about trade union administration and the drafting of trade union rules ; they also , he claimed , fed his ambition to lead a national seamen 's union , initially at the cost of some domestic disharmony , his wife and his mother-in-law accusing him of neglecting his own restaurant business and resenting the time he spent with his own visitors , particularly " old long-faced Brown " the lawyer .
24 Eilish McDermott , QC , appearing for Doherty , submitted ‘ natural justice ’ required that — taking account of the time he spent in jail in the US — Doherty should have been given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State .
25 But with 50pc remission and consideration of the time he spent on remand , he will be allowed out for weekends by next February .
26 Selwyn would be ready by the time he returned .
27 By the time he returned to Germany in 1948 , his progress was such that his teachers were inspired to proclaim : ‘ He is a brilliant pupil …
28 By the time he returned from Russia , at the end of July , Henderson was convinced that , in the interests of Allied victory , the Labour Party should attend the Stockholm Conference .
29 By the time he returned , half a dozen island girls had sauntered past , and their perfume hung in the still air .
30 But Mosley campaigned in Tuscany by phone and by the time he returned to London for the autumn , the plan was set , letters were going out and Balestre was in for a surprise .
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