Example sentences of "the [num] [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And once the ships came , they could hinder the disembarkation and delay the eleven hundred in their march , wherever they may be making for .
2 You and your horsemen will be facing four times your numbers by the time the foot-army from Leven has joined up with the eleven hundred from the ships .
3 The eight million on exceptionals , James would you ?
4 Erm very briefly , the fifty four of you , who 's gon na care for you do you think ?
5 The position of Tadcaster for instance on the fifty nine to the west , the red triangle which indicates a bypass at .
6 Then in the 1830s thousands of immigrants arrived to seek homes and work in the new town that had been laid out by Joseph Pease , the Quaker industrialist who had extended the famous Stockton to Darlington railway so as to export coal from his Teeside wharves .
7 Probably you 're talking the thirty thousand plus , these are the forty thousand plus , and these may be the seventy five thousand plus a year guys .
8 The forty five for
9 I du n no where you got the forty five from !
10 In that sense , if my logic is okay so far , and it is the amendment to the use classes order which has significantly shifted how we regard employment development for planning , I wondered if the justification for the forty three per hectare , on the grounds that the Secretary of State imposed it , actually holds water , these days ?
11 It was certainly a source of great pride to me in the nineteen sixties to be Personnel Manager of the Greenock plant , in an area which is noted to it 's erm , insecurity , to see the effects on the living standards and conditions and morale of the general community of having a manufacturing plant which had stability of labour , as well as it 's er , objectives .
12 A party which had been essentially urban becomes a party of the rural hinterland and not just erm the , the countryside as a whole but particularly , in the nineteen thirties at any rate , the most backward parts of the Chinese countryside , the most inaccessible parts , the least developed parts of the countryside .
13 She was also very much involved in the nineteen thirties in Franklin Roosevelt 's social programmes .
14 That 's when Major , who was on the photo , he was Major in the army of nineteen fourteen eighteen M C Major M C , military cross well he took charge and er a chap off the shop floor , well he was an old contemptible of the nineteen fourteen to eighteen war , name of Bert he was made Sergeant because he was only one who had got any military experience , and he started with us on the shop floor in doing foot drill .
15 From the whalebone bodices of the nineteen hundreds to the flimsy teasers of the nineties .
16 We are entering the nineteen nineties as a well-defined well-balanced company both in the spread of our businesses and the geographical spread of our markets .
17 It 's obscene , in the nineteen nineties at a time of three million plus unemployed that we 've still have a skill shortage in this country .
18 The theme of the Convention is Professional Photography in the nineteen nineties with particular reference to the Single Market .
19 The theme of the Convention is Professional Photography in the nineteen nineties with particular reference to the Single Market .
20 In the nineteen nineties with the tumbling costs of hardware we can adv afford to provide more and more people in our enterprise-with access to a computer or the information within in .
21 We want to give the best possible hospital service in the nineteen nineties for our community , and that 's what we 're looking at .
22 F M synthesis is the basis of diastral synthesis of the nineteen ninety of the eighties actually
23 Since the nineteen ninety to ninety one settlement , revenue resources for local authorities have increased by almost five hundred and thirty million pounds or twenty seven percent .
24 Indeed the best selling book of the nineteen seventies in American politics by a famous historian Arthur Schlesinger Junior called , it was called The Imperial Presidency .
25 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
26 economic about Taiwan and there 's a great deal of irony in this because you know here you are in the nineteen fifties in China rich peasant economy which is accepting and preserving inequalities
27 More recently General Wynell-Mayow , who is commemorated in the Church , was one of the few survivors of the heroic but futile charge of the six hundred at Balaclava .
28 Despite the definitive nature of this brochure , we still can not include the six hundred plus hotels that we work with in Italy .
29 So she says Michael and I will be off the six fifteen at Central on the twenty third .
30 If Clinton is to keep faith with the electors , he will invest in jobs for the 10 million on the dole , provide for wide-ranging health care for all and implement drastic tax reforms .
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