Example sentences of "the [noun prp] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The storage and preparation of food took place on the north side , where the Eastons have made a studio out of the old pentice , called the tempting shed , which ran along that side .
2 On the blank east wall the Eastons have opened up windows , following the outlines of earlier mullions .
3 Later when we were enjoying a beer with the station commander were we nearly disposed of when it was announced that the Stirling had clobbered a Coles crane , an ambulance , several minor vehicles and the CO 's Humber .
4 The Carters had laid on a jazz evening , featuring Sarah Vaughan and Dizzy Gillespie .
5 If the Tellenoreans had got into Pike 's body , was n't this a slightly odd thing to make him do ?
6 It 's but one of several the NME has received from Nazi filth rushing to defend Morrissey and claim him as their own .
7 Ho ho Keith , some wags at the NME have taken to calling MAW ‘ musicians against success ’ because — get this — those musicians who 've had the guts to stand up and be counted like Sinead O'Connor , The Farm , Carter USM , Cud , Billy Bragg , Lisa Stansfield , The Stones , Lush , Orbital and Soho are all ‘ failures that no-one 's heard of ’ .
8 But as the shooting and the mopping-up continued yesterday , the prospect of a protracted guerrilla operation began to loom over what the Pentagon had hoped would be a splendid Christmas victory .
9 The previous day the Pentagon had issued a statement claiming that the photograph had passed through the hands of a " ring of Cambodia opportunists led by a well-known and admitted fabricator " of information about MIAs .
10 In fact , stockmarkets do not seem to penalise the defence-related companies most heavily dependent on defence contracts ; since the end of 1989 , shares in companies which get most of their business from the Pentagon have risen more than diversified firms ( chart 3 ) .
11 Through the considerable efforts of the US Ambassador in Bonn , the Pentagon has relented — permission to use Tempelhof airport has bee granted .
12 Over the past few years , the Pentagon has invested several billion dollars in technology related to defences against ballistic missiles , including guided anti-ballistic missiles , particle beams and high-energy lasers .
13 Now the Pentagon has begun a serious attempt to find out what the future shape of American defence should be , and whether the new shape will in fact save money .
14 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
15 The Lord of the Manor had sent word that he wished to see the players .
16 The Knelles had raised their children to feel proud of Ireland .
17 Soon after the EEC had adopted the plan a Soviet statement anticipated that this ‘ patently unrealistic ‘ initiative ’ ' would be used ‘ to launch another round of propaganda attacks on the USSR ’ by Westerners who simultaneously strike ‘ a pose of peacemaker and champion of a settlement ’ .
18 Again in 1960 , the EEC had begun to look at the problem of discrimination in transport , and in 1961 a Monetary Committee was established , as well as one charged with examining trade cycle policy .
19 The EEC had survived the ‘ empty chair ’ crisis intact and the Rome Treaty remained fundamentally unchanged .
20 Trade within the EEC had expanded at a rate double that of trade with non-members , and the EEC had also become the world 's largest trading power .
21 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
22 The Treaty of Rome had been signed without her in March 1957 ; the EEC had come into being in January 1958 ; and de Gaulle had been recalled to power in France to solve the Algerian crisis in June that year .
23 The EEC has applied competition rules and has ordered Gillette to dispose of its 22% stake in Eemland , the parent of Wilkinson Sword .
24 This means that EEC law must be examined not only when the UK legislation has been passed to implement an EEC obligation but in all cases in which the EEC has legislated in the field under consideration .
25 The EEC has taken a direct interest in the problem of acid deposition , and in November 1988 a directive was agreed upon by EEC environment ministers concerning the sulphur emissions of large combustion plants .
26 British economic policy within the EEC has attempted to pursue this theme .
27 The EEC has put together a directive to monitor organic production in Europe and to provide a definition of quality produce .
28 FOR BRITAIN the argument for membership of the EEC has pivoted from the start around its perceived economic benefits to her .
29 The EEC has promised 20 000 tonnes of grain , the World Food Programme 15 000 tonnes , West Germany 4000 tonnes .
30 The EEC has banned BST until further research has been completed .
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