Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [coord] that " in BNC.

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1 Should there be a difference between the case where the demand comes from the seamen and that where the master takes the initiative with a generous offer ?
2 On 22 June 1991 , when the draft s 41 report — detailing the fraud — was handed to the Bank , PW believed that it was close to final agreement on the refinancing and the accounts and that BCCI would be saved .
3 In such cases the Court of Justice has held that the requirements of Article 190 are satisfied if the statement of reasons given explains in essence the measures taken by the institutions and that a specific statement of reasons in support of all the details which might be contained in such a measure can not be required , provided such details fall within the general scheme of the measures as a whole .
4 It is also helpful if it can be shown there have been arm 's length negotiations between management and the institutions and that the price benefit to management ( ie the fact that management acquire control of Newco but pay no more per share than the institutions and/or pay less than 50% of the price for more than 50% of the equity ) derives from those negotiations , rather than from management 's employment by Target .
5 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
6 The opinion , which comes ten years after a joint opinion by Arden and Leonard Hoffman QC and which supersedes it , not only concludes that standards are likely to be accepted as authoritative by the courts but that they are likely to accept that that compliance with abstracts of the UITF ‘ is also necessary to meet the true and fair requirement ’ .
7 No it 's the tablets and that I 'm .
8 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
9 As a result , a senior member of the Treasury Solicitor 's staff sent an advisory letter to the President of the Immigration Appeal Tribunal saying that the decision undermined the rules and that the judge went ‘ much too far ’ .
10 My days can involve patrolling the island to make sure that people are observing the rules and that the birds are n't being disturbed either on the land or from the sea .
11 The employees appealed and it was held , allowing the appeal , that the industrial tribunal had erred in law in holding that an intention to compete in the future with their employers expressed by the employees in letters to their employers ' suppliers was in itself a breach of a duty of fidelity owed by the employees to the employers and that accordingly the dismissals had been unfair .
12 It is then a matter of preference whether you say that they can not choose the goals or that they can not form strategies to achieve them or both .
13 Yeah but the pictures and that they are on Sky Television
14 The Employment Appeal Tribunal considered that there was a potentially fair reason for the dismissals and that the employer had in fact handled the matter fairly , adding :
15 But someone told me that it is not the same as the passion fruit on sale at the shops and that the fruits are poisonous .
16 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
17 He found now he was speaking to all the eagles in the Cages and that they were listening to him .
18 And see whether or not there is basis for an agreement on that because if it is possible to get an agreement on that it is infinitely easier to persuade the government that regulations have to be written which cover all of these issues and cover all of the sectors and that therefore makes it easier to create a situation in which it is not possible for an independent company that wish to ignore the good practice guidelines to simply go ahead and do so .
19 Research for the 1974 Press Commission confirmed both that they enjoyed their paper less than readers of the populars and that they would miss it worse if deprived of it .
20 He had n't known whether to put it down to the fact that she imagined he was being left outside the camaraderie of the brothers or that in some strange way she was laying claim on him .
21 I direct that an up-to-date psychiatric report be available to the court and to the parties and that the local authority make arrangements for that to be done through the secure unit .
22 Chitty states that the object of all construction is to discover the intentions of the parties and that the " cardinal presumption " is that parties have intended what they have in fact said .
23 However , where more than one person ( eg a merchant bank and a stockbroker ) agrees to act as the agent of a party to the takeover and his associates for the purpose of making disclosure , particular care must be taken to ensure that the responsibility for disclosure is agreed between the parties and that it is neither overlooked nor duplicated .
24 The increasingly accepted argument in Israel today is that Eretz Israel in any case belongs primarily to the Jews and that all the Palestinian Arabs , refugee or otherwise , have a lesser claim upon it .
25 Raven Thomson was deemed not to be insulting when he said at Bethnal Green in March 1937 that he had the utmost contempt for the Jews and that they were ‘ the most miserable type of humanity , ’ but an Inspector Jones was overruled when he reported that Mick Clarke had used no inflammatory language at the same venue in June 1937 , when other police shorthand notes stated that Clarke had called the Jews ‘ greasy Scum ’ and ‘ the lice of the earth ’ .
26 Were there a lot of these er particularly amongst the older men and the and the inspectors and that that kind of thing , were there a And you 've talked about , a lot of the old ideas were still
27 Jackson , who earned a total of £40,000 , said : ‘ I was pedestrian away from the blocks and that cost me vital hundredths of a second .
28 The Judge held that the prosecution had been under a duty to disclose the video whether it had been demanded or not , that the view the camera had was of an area of the club that was relevant to the res gestae , that the tape would have contained matters of relevance to the defendants and that it was wrong for the police officer to have formed the view that it was of no relevance .
29 I 've just realised that as we talk , we are hanging our show on the miners and that there is not one image by a woman .
30 After all , there was only one painting which fitted the texts and that held nothing .
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