Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 It is equally likely that the activities associated with meals ( chewing , digesting and absorbing food ) could all send information to the SCN via nerves from the gut .
2 For example , the activities associated with sub-system 1.7 were listed as :
3 Having identified the activities associated with the sub-systems , it was then possible to start considering what information was relevant to the performance of each activity .
4 The godly had some success in severing their connection with the church by banishing them from the churchyard , but the old festal calendar survived and the activities associated with it — mumming at New Year , dancing at Candlemas , football and other games at Shrovetide , and maypole dancing on Mayday — were relocated in and around the village ale-house .
5 In this system , which is sometimes known as absorption costing , a budget is produced in which all overheads are allocated to the activities associated with them .
6 In this system , which is sometimes known as absorption costing , a budget is produced in which all overheads are allocated to the activities associated with them .
7 In fact , although frequency of the forms correlated with age , sex and educational differences between speakers , different modal meanings appeared also to be associated with the verb forms as follows : imperfect subjunctive/ [ UNREAL ] ; conditional/ [ POSSIBLE ] ; present/indicative/ [ FACTUAL ] .
8 This was the tournament which most of the pros approached with trepidation .
9 It is the responsibility of fundholding general practices to decide priorities for research in the context of the population 's needs and the contracts set with each provider .
10 It was as if , having seen the contents of Mr Broadhurst 's fitted cupboard , he were now prepared to allow me some knowledge of the rituals connected with this apparatus .
11 So I ca n't criticize the decision of the court on that or or the way the solicitors dealt with it .
12 Closer to the smoking fire , Blake could see that the colours of the flames varied with the different amounts of crushed rocks thrown on to the pyre .
13 And underneath its weight ( were the meanings tinged with suffocation not meant for anyone to see ? ) were the nepotistic directors back-stabbing for power .
14 Let us now examine in greater detail the different ways in which contexts exert a restrictive influence on the meanings associated with word forms which occur within them .
15 A region is mediated in our everyday life in the form of various symbols , which are the same for all individuals in the one region , though the meanings associated with them will always be construed personally on the basis of the individual 's life situation and biography … though the regions of a society obtain their ultimate personal meanings in the practices of everyday life , these meanings can not be totally reduced to experiences that constitute everyday life , since a region bears with it institutionally mediated practices and relations , the most significant being the history of the region as a part of the spatial structure of the society in question .
16 Translators should find it useful to investigate and compare the expression of such categories and the meanings associated with various structures in their source and target languages .
17 The essences marked with an asterisk are the oils I tend to use more often .
18 All the patterns observed with a truncated polymerase and CRP are the juxtaposition of the individual patterns of CRP and α-C deleted polymerase consistent with the idea that both proteins bind independently to the lac UV5 promoter .
19 The macroscopic pattern found in surgical specimens correlated with the radiological pattern in only 7 of 18 ( 38% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 5 of 16 ( 31% ) of the patients in the high grade group ; the patterns correlated with the endoscopic findings in only 8 of 19 ( 42% ) of the low grade/mixed grade group and in 7 of 17 ( 41% ) of the high grade group .
20 Table III shows the results of the investigations performed with the frequency with which they added information in making a diagnosis in the cases of iron deficiency anaemia .
21 In the Fifties and Sixties Kelly spent time with Adrian Maeght and the artists associated with the publisher .
22 There continues to be heated disagreement between the state-owned company which runs Sellafield , British Nuclear Fuels ( BNF ) , and its critics , about the dangers associated with the plant .
23 Yet in most countries there is continuing concern about the number of patients who develop a hospital-acquired infection quite unrelated to the reason for their admission ; about the accidents which happen to patients while they are in hospital ; about the perennial danger of fire in hospitals ; and about the dangers associated with the use of prescribed drugs in hospital .
24 In this way , we 're starting to get away from the dangers associated with monopolistic suppliers and purchasers , because it 's less easy for large organisations to circumscribe their trading partners by making them use a particular EDI network .
25 Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act 1934 represented the first legislative attempt in the US to curb some of the dangers associated with insider trading .
26 Some of my earlier comments ( 27.3.91 ) about the dangers associated with Reorganisation still appear relevant !
27 And a specialist in alcohol abuse says youngsters do n't realise the dangers associated with what is a potentially harmful drug .
28 The dangers associated with sawing machines are well-known , ’ she told Teesside Magistrates Court .
29 Broadly speaking , this theory states that stress or dissatisfaction is more likely to be experienced by an individual if her/his ranks are discrepant — for instance the ranks associated with income , education and ethnic group .
30 Leapor 's poems on rural landscape are among the earliest to register the conflicts associated with the enclosure movement .
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