Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [be] still " in BNC.

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1 Although a good deal of excavation has taken place at Alcester , especially in the south-western suburb around Birch Abbey , very little has received full publication.6 Excavations in the fortified area of the town have always been difficult owing to the presence of modern buildings , but with new developments taking place , they have at last become feasible ; even now , though , the line of the defences is still imperfectly known .
2 Well yes I know it is , but the exams are still on the same day
3 But for the moment these designs remain just that : the experts are still trying to sort out the answers that chickens have given them and , until they do , can not finalise a commercial prototype for improved cages .
4 It comes as a surprise to most people to learn that the experts are still arguing over something as basic as how a cat purrs .
5 The ITN version suggests that the pickets are still largely to blame for the violence , but the police contribution to disorder is given more emphasis than in the BBC 's bulletin .
6 Moreover the developers of new applications are increasingly doing their work on workstations , while the maintainers are still stuck on the mainframe itself .
7 He declined , however , to specify what type of vehicle production was being considered and said the discussions were still at a preliminary stage .
8 The arcades were still shuttered .
9 In the first place , the legibility of this canvas demonstrates conclusively that although Cubist paintings were becoming more abstract in appearance , the artists were still deeply conditioned , at least in the early stages of their works , by the material existence and the physical appearance of their subjects .
10 Defence is n't always at the top of the political agenda and in periods of long time peace as we have now enjoyed , people tend to forget the dangers are still genuine and still there .
11 Drug-related violence in the cities is still high .
12 The views are still tremendous in the Lakes , but sitting down to be surrounded by two or three belligerent sheep whose main occupation in life is to steal my cheese and pickle sandwich is about the best way of spoiling a good day out .
13 Elizabeth Reynolds , a youth justice team manager for Dorset says the courts are still ‘ far too interested in non-offence-related issues where females are concerned .
14 However , it is noteworthy that even as late as the nineteenth century , the courts were still discussing whether , in the case of a young girl , there was penetration sufficient to constitute rape where the hymen remained intact .
15 I asked Les Jones , the region 's general manager whether despite success in prosecution , the courts were still enough of a deterrent .
16 ‘ The Italians and the Germans are still at it in Spain .
17 Although the standard of service offered by the special clinics is generally fairly high , in some ways the Germans are still in the Dark Ages with regard to the sexually transmitted diseases .
18 After all , the Germans were still not far off .
19 We knew the Germans were still sentimental about Christmas , and I was given several days leave .
20 Although the house in which Eric was now hidden was an isolated one , we could n't exclude the possibility of a German search , so I set off there on my bicycle while the Germans were still questioning people .
21 In the end , the notes were still being painstakingly dipped and dried when Kilburn was killed , apparently in revenge for America 's raid on Libya in April 1986 .
22 The birds are still around , but remain largely aloof in the bushes .
23 But environmentalists warn that the birds are still susceptible to other threats .
24 The birds were still singing as she made her way slowly to the cars .
25 The sun was low on the horizon now and the birds were still flying in from ‘ pre-roost assembly points ’ .
26 When Cardinal Wolsey fell , he had n't finished the building of Tom Quad , the whole of this side was left open because he 'd planned a very grand perpendicular chapel like King 's College Chapel , and erm the ruins , well no , not the ruins , the foundations were still to be seen apparently in the 17th Century John Gomley tells us .
27 The square has recently been renovated although people complain that it is like a film set and the houses are still crumbling behind their façades .
28 A number of the houses are still actively involved in the market through their ownership of GEMMs or ( in one case ) of a SEMB .
29 The doctors houses had been restored and redecorated by the squatters , but West Midlands Regional Health Authority wanted them out and today the houses are still empty .
30 The plans are still being kept tightly under wraps , partly through the fear that Mowden might try to scupper them .
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