Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know if he realised it either , but the Danuese would not have taken kindly to having their programme wiped off the air-waves midway through .
2 To put the matter more precisely , there is little support in the judgments either for Lord Diplock 's tripartite standard of review , or for as extensive a review as his Lordship advocates for administrative institutions .
3 The innkeeper , in Coleridge 's version of events , could remember nothing remotely suspicious in the activities either of Coleridge or the ‘ strange gentleman ’ from Alfoxden , though he did recall the amazement of some local farmers when , at a great dinner party , Coleridge and the vicar of Stowey had talked ‘ real Hebrew Greek at each other for an hour together ’ .
4 The net result is that the Scottish Office and the National Farmers ' Union of Scotland are trying hard to get the message across — tackle the forms immediately with the 15 May deadline in mind .
5 Then the principles of minimum potential energy and of complementary energy state that , for strain energy W and These may be converted to the forms where by using the equality and substituting .
6 Internally , the BLDSC counts the forms annually for statistical analyses , but makes no more detailed use of them .
7 Canvassers who normally get the forms back after a maximum of four visits to any household are now having to return seven or more times before the people hand back the completed form .
8 Can you pass the exams just by learning the textbook ?
9 I bus-hopped down to Covent Garden to start putting the feelers out for Werewolf .
10 Cos a I I 've got the contracts right in the Body Shop , we got Karen she used to work in Superdrug , and she came in there the other day and I 'm saying , och , do you know Michelle ?
11 The statutory assignment has the advantage of enabling the purchaser to enforce the contracts directly against the supplier rather than through the vendor .
12 The Bill deals with evidence in criminal matters only to the extent of preserving provisions of the Acts now to be repealed and re-enacted which apply to criminal evidence as well .
13 They came from all over Gloucestershire for a typical Victorian day out … a trip on a steamer to the seaside resort of Ilfracombe.Six hundred and fifty climbed aboard the Balmoral at Lydney dock … making the most of the chance of a lifetime.After all the last pleasure boat to attract the crowds down to Lydney dock for a trip to Devon was the paddle steamer Ravenswood in 1893 .
14 The Dwarfs were hard pressed at first , but eventually saw the Orcs off with the help of their formidable cannons .
15 So they 're carrying out the checks initially on the the capabilities and the financial soundness of the , of the proposed supplier .
16 The reasons for this decentralising movement towards the growth of workplace bargaining activity in Western European countries have been in part economic , as a result of generally high employment and continuous economic growth in the post-war years to the mid-1970s along with a varying capacity to pay of separate employers .
17 AIDS must have been exceedingly rare before the mid-1970s anywhere in the world .
18 When they started to gather for another push , the second wave of mounted police went in , scattering the pickets right across the field .
19 When they were close enough they threw the ropes up to the men at the front of the crowd , and all of them pushed from behind .
20 He was given a questionable standing count in the second of three thrilling rounds , but he spent too much time battling rather than boxing and too much time on the ropes instead of using his footwork .
21 I then used one hook for each ship , and tied all the ropes together at one end .
22 Drop the anchors overboard in the correct position and the bottles will float , holding the anchor rope on the surface and ready to tie to the punt every time you fish that swim .
23 but it 's not such a nice stool as this , it has n't got the knobs on like that .
24 The Greek word axioma originally meant " request " ; the reader is requested to accept the axioms unquestioningly as the rules of the game .
25 Once the bickering and backbiting , which also led to Terry Vaux and Gwilym Treharne standing down from their posts as the Welsh representatives on the International Rugby Board , had died down , the general committee resolved to consult the clubs again over links with the Republic .
26 While cost cutting elsewhere , Wear Valley will give the clubs up to £8,000 apiece to help meet new League ground regulations with the proper proviso that they first raise a similar amount themselves .
27 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
28 The conference was to discuss the programmes currently under production as part of the documentary series .
29 It set fire to the sheets , but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water . ’
30 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
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