Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is fair to say that , compared with 1986 , far more emphasis was placed on the data about publications ( of which a much greater quantity was submitted this time ) , i.e. the judgments have been more ‘ output led ’ . ’
2 The defences have been sampled at various points , revealing an interesting sequence .
3 This in turn means that over the course of geological time , the continents have been , and are , getting steadily bigger … do n't worry , though , the extra real-estate coming on to the market wo n't make mortgages any easier to get !
4 By plotting the areal distribution of marine strata and making reasonable inferences from facies distributions about the location of former shorelines , it has been established that for long periods of time in the Phanerozoic , especially in the early Palaeozoic and late Cretaceous , the continents have been inundated by up to two thirds of the present area by epicontinental seas .
5 About 100 million years ago there was a big break-up of the land masses , and the continents have been slowly moving towards their present positions ever since ( they will , of course , continue to move in the future ) .
6 The forms have been found to work well in practice .
7 For example , there will be a tendency for a large number of applications under a particular vacancy to be processed together , after the forms have been discussed with the appropriate manager .
8 In the cases that I have mentioned everything is in order — all the forms have been filled in and returned by the contractor , the work has been completed satisfactorily — but it is a long time before the cheque is processed and the contractor paid .
9 The Arbuthnots have been here for generations .
10 At the time , Eurotunnel said the contracts had been placed on the assumption passengers would stay with cars , but that the rolling stock could be altered , if required , by the Safety Authority .
11 And that 's it and the contracts had been signed and everything and it was
12 This Board held that in the particular circumstances — the contracts having been neither framed nor carried out in British India — the profits derived from the contracts did not there accrue or arise .
13 Some of the contracts have been straight business deals whereby the Provisionals and the property owners split the profit from the government compensation .
14 The majority of the contracts have been awarded to Northern Ireland institutions and where they have been with other institutions it has been the policy of the Panel to encourage the employment of junior Northern Ireland based researchers on the projects .
15 All obligations falling due for performance from the Balance Sheet Date under the Contracts have been observed and performed .
16 No Richard because the whole thing can fall through when we have our survey done it might show a defect or something , we might pull out , when they have their survey done it might show a defect so they might pull out , you do n't do anything Richard until the contracts have been exchanged , then you can start saying right I think that 's , that 's , every thing 's definite
17 er , I 've signed the contract , the contracts has been handed , gone through the system
18 The Pakistanis have been incensed all summer by mutterings that they only make the old ball swing so violently by tampering with it .
19 This was thought by trade unionists to be inconsistent with the leading decision of ten years before which had protected employers ' associations from conspiracy on the ground that the acts had been done ‘ with the lawful object of protecting and extending their trade and increasing their profits ’ without employing unlawful means , although the consequence had been to injure their competitors .
20 If the verdict of the experts had been that the artist was in truth Gabriele Munter , the claim would not have arisen .
21 The Prince had had an inkling of what was to come in Wales , when the crowds had been so eager to see Diana that they could scarcely hide their disappointment if Charles and Diana took one side of the street each and they were on the side of the street he took .
22 Welcome back to the Three Counties Show at Malvern , where the weather has been kind , and the crowds have been flocking in .
23 The justices found that there had been a breach of the peace before the police arrived , because the mother-in-law of the person who had asked the defendant to leave the swings had been ‘ alarmed ’ by the defendant 's conduct .
24 The Wolfies have been around for almost ten years but have never made any major dents on the charts .
25 But several readers had pointed out that if evil could not create , was only good perverted , then presumably the orcs had been by nature good and might in some way be saved ; Tolkien certainly balked at calling them ‘ irredeemable ’ , see Letters , pp. 195 , 355 .
26 The corms have been overwintered every year since then and are now of considerable size .
27 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
28 The pebbles have been sorted , arranged , selected .
29 Their only concern was that , in the darkness , one , or more , of the ropes had been loosened too much and it would be noticed when they emerged from the back of the van .
30 The Scapegoat had been secured by ‘ wrists ’ and ‘ ankles ’ to the inner ring and Wycliffe thought he could make out the four points where the ropes had been .
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