Example sentences of "the [adj] were [be] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the wounded were being placed on the grass in front of the Chateau .
2 As the wounded were being unloaded from the jeeps I could see the wounds were mainly inflicted by shrapnel .
3 The wounded were being laid out against the wall of the barn .
4 Red Cross workers were banned from the military hospital where the wounded were being treated until interrogations were completed ; on Nov. 24 they were permitted to speak to the 89 wounded , but a request for private interviews with 47 other detainees was refused .
5 Meanwhile , however , the rich followed their king 's dictum ‘ Après moi , le déluge ’ , and gave themselves up to pleasure — balls , the opera ( where new works by Gluck , Grétry and Piccinni were finally displacing the heroic works of Lully and Rameau , beloved of the Ancien Régime ) , gambling and hunting ; the chattering middle classes were busy discussing politics and aesthetics ; writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society with their radical ideas of universal fraternity in this ‘ Age of Enlightenment ’ ; and the poor were being told to ‘ eat cake ’ , if they had no bread .
6 Trade union leaders stated that the poor were being asked to meet the needs of those even poorer than themselves , and accused the government of ignoring the fact that a " poverty basket " of basic goods was currently costing around 250 intis ( US$301 ) , well above the lowest wage subject to the new tax .
7 Shells crashed around the football stadium landing zone while the injured were being carried on board .
8 Peter Kemp , director of social services for Durham County Council , said yesterday he was ‘ satisfied ’ with the way the elderly were being moved in the aftermath of the county 's controversial decision to close the homes .
9 It was widely assumed that motion pictures would be sexually suggestive and probably explicit , the whole tone seemed secular and irresponsible , and few doubted that children and the weak-minded were being pointed towards crime and degeneracy .
10 Alternatively , if the size and density of settlements were uniform throughout the country , then in some areas the dead were being carried over considerable distances for burial .
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