Example sentences of "the [adj] problem [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Having done everything in your tank preparations to avoid new tank syndrome , you can still set in motion some of the attendant problems if you start your new stock off on the wrong fin .
2 In looking at future development the service providers must address the geographic problems that can occur and also the duration of provision ( days , hours , weekends etc ) and consider whether these can best be met in a joint planning context .
3 ‘ Inflation , apathy , pessimism , political corruption , erosion of individual freedom — these are just some of the present-day problems that add up to ‘ the English sickness ’ .
4 Despite the political problems that basically anti-Western regimes have in dealing with the TNCs , the Arab desire for Western , particularly US , technology is the crucial test , as Bassiry and Dekmejian ( 1985 ) illustrate in the case of the TNCs and the Iranian revolution .
5 The political problems that arise when changes do begin to happen were illustrated by the GP fundholders who had greater freedom than the DHAs .
6 Cuts in capital budgets , use of the land dispersal register , and the mere threat of UDCs achieve the same political goals without incurring the political problems and contradictions of UDCs .
7 The reasons for the Special Forces not proving more effective in this desperate year of 1940 , lay as much in the political problems and strategy as in shortages of equipment .
8 Furthermore neither side fully grasped the priorities , the political problems and the policy-making processes of the other .
9 From his position as Chancellor , Law could exercise sufficient influence on the domestic management of the war to avoid further problems , and as Leader of the House of Commons and de facto deputy Prime Minister he could also deal with most of the political problems as they arose .
10 Let's just consider the political problem though you have still got a problem selling it to a lot of MP s , if they 're listening to this interview and they are concluding , maybe rightly , maybe wrongly , that actually things are n't changing very much , and they may think they 've been sold a pup with these amendments , indeed I hear that some of them have had to be bought off , well , is it true that one of them was sent off to Peru on an on an election er supervision mission in order that he might not be around when the bill came up .
11 The chimpanzee in the laboratory would be unlikely to solve the box-stick-and-banana problem if it had no initial interest in the bananas .
12 From that standpoint he looks at world development , taking into account the technical problems but concentrating mainly on the moral issues involved .
13 Recognition has solved the constitutional issue of Slovenia ( although not the economic problems that independence has either created or failed to solve ) .
14 Even if Nicu was intended to be their ultimate successor , he was not allowed to appear as dauphin , particularly not after making the critical remarks to his father about the economic problems and social conditions in Sibiu .
15 Despite the economic problems and some unrelated political problems of the 1960s , the country remained a relatively prosperous one .
16 And in the nineteen thirties America went into the worst economic depression it 's ever seen and the state governments were literally overwhelmed by the economic hardship and the economic problems and the federal government came galloping to the rescue .
17 Nevertheless the specific problems and prospects of the churches ' own media need to be studied in greater depth .
18 Money and how to get hold of it were the perennial problems that refused to go away .
19 It was the age-old problem that had not been solved since the Populists first went to the people in the 1870s .
20 Ultimately the regional problem and the changing geography of population and industrial distribution gave the subject field a dramatically widened remit .
21 Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie , administrator of the Bibliothèque Nationale , has been appointed chairman of an association set up to consider the administrative problems and to determine the aims and contents of the long awaited library , and who the users will be .
22 In some areas , most notably the liturgical and the ecumenical , Rome did get off to a good start in providing directives of a sort that would carry confidence at least temporarily ; even here , however , there was the inherent problem that a body of directives implied the establishment of a stable state ( e.g. in ecumenical relations ) , while the reality was in fact necessarily more fluid .
23 However , such multiplex amplifications have the inherent problem that each primer pair has its own specific conditions of hybridization and thus control is not perfect .
24 Let us look at the three processes in more detail — the hopes and the fears invested in the processes and the inherent problems if one process is too predominant over the others .
25 In terms of the specific funding for regional development , it is debatable whether the increase connected with the implementation of the SEM programme will be sufficient to deal with the spatial problems that arise from that programme , let alone those which stem from monetary union .
26 A problem that 's come your way and it is n't the usual problems that you can quickly find an answer to .
27 Let us investigate now the converse problem when the wire is stationary but the equipment producing the magnetic field is moved lock , stock , and barrel with the same velocity in the opposite direction .
28 Instead , attention should be turned to the universal problem that lies behind the takeover trend : the separation in capitalism of ownership and control .
29 Central American women have become conscious of their situation and understand that the revolution for permanent liberation is the fundamental solution to the grave problems that they confront .
30 It was probably in order to force movement on the German problem that Khruschev decided to exert pressure once again on the most exposed Western position in Europe , Berlin .
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