Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Human Touch ( Columbia ) is the worst : an hour of express-way roar with only the odd shift down to break up the nose-to-bumper raunch .
2 Were n't the bloody come down would I ?
3 The Complete Knocked Down ( CKD ) option contains all the required parts presorted , and takes about 70 hours to complete , while the Component Form requires only 20 hours of the simplest work to finish the car .
4 Tough and honest , ‘ Throw Your Arms In The Air ’ is not the usual get down and party groove .
5 The faithful knelt down and placed their heads on the ground : La Allah illah Allah , Muhammad Resul-allah !
6 Until the English clamped down on the custom my forefathers all used the prefix ‘ ap ’ in front of their names — the last king of South Wales , for instance , was Rhys ap Tewdwr .
7 These pictures function as rituals of reassurance , demonstrating that when there was a job to be done , the British got down to it .
8 And finally , brethren , let us ask the Almighty to look down upon us and our endeavours with His special favour , beseeching Him that He may send a blessing upon our daily tasks , and that in His infinite wisdom He may smite our enemies , and destroy those who would destroy us .
9 But was n't Mrs Thatcher telling the Japanese to break down their trade barriers the other day ?
10 A MURDER trial was adjourned last night after one of the accused broke down in the witness box as she said her fellow defendant had suggested using shovels to bury a woman alive .
11 In such circumstances the copy certificates for processing through the cost and financial accounts may not reach the accounts department until after the date of the monthly close down and may therefore be costed to the following month .
12 The inevitable slowing down in drilling which will stem from the withdrawal of the concession is bound to hit jobs at Scottish supply bases sooner rather than later .
13 I stop too ; climb the natural embankment and look over the homeward stretch down to the pueblo .
14 Could the gradual slowing down be an attempt to draw the movement out to more orthodox Mahlerian scale ?
15 The half-moon shone down placidly .
16 I see now the relentless laying down of guilt , and I feel a faint surprise that I must interpret it that way .
17 It was a relief when we felt ourselves fairly started and we enjoyed the beautiful sail down Loch Tarbert …
18 It enabled the committed to track down the less committed , and to identify ‘ the enemy ’ .
19 It was expensive but will last a lifetime and only needs the occasional sponging down .
20 Had the laundries been at the Riviera end all the detritus from the other businesses , the discarded vegetables and smashed fruit of the greengrocers , the scales and fish heads and guts deposited on the street by the two fishmongers , would have passed by and probably soiled some of the clothes as the intermittent hosing down of the street caused all this muck and filth to edge its way slowly down towards the Bay .
21 It was a night for the homeless to lie down and die ; and for luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God they were at home .
22 The oriental gazed down at the broken body of his defeated enemy .
23 And then after they had reached the other end , erm one of the men would go and stand in the middle of the two and the and the other sitting down .
24 His trousers bunch round his ankles again , then catch round his boots and disappear over the edge of the chimney , kicking up at the last moment and hitting the grating ; the branch slips and the grating slams down .
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