Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And Maastricht promises to make the Europe-machine turn still faster because it pre-emptively convokes the next set of constitutional talks for 1996 .
2 Dover Breakwater offered flounder , dabs and small pout with the inside wall best .
3 Mazzin came and told us to lie along the inside wall together .
4 yeah I think , I do n't , she must lock it from the inside window back through
5 It is this special knowledge , or gnosis , which hopefully can make the inside ethnography so different and illuminating .
6 The basic idea can be captured in minutes and the total concept fully realised in , at most , a couple of hours , which is a lot faster than it takes for the same degree of finish to be achieved in any other medium .
7 What is the total mark up on the jars ?
8 If the retailer sells the sugar at 52p per bag , what is the total mark up on the bags ?
9 Even with the inclusion of additional primary and secondary schools and of the middle schools , the total sample eventually consisted of only 716 teachers , instead of the intended 800 .
10 If the mens rea principle and the principle of proof are objectives worthy of a rational and humane system of criminal law they ought to be used critically to assess the achievement of the total system rather than circularly to select an acceptable portion of the criminal law .
11 Person 2 would certainly not pay the higher price necessary to induce a competitive supplier to expand production beyond the output Q. Person 2 is thus a free-rider enjoying person 1 's purchase Q. And the total quantity privately produced and consumed in a competitive market lies below the socially efficient quantity Q * ;
12 Any particle should be fished in the same way you fish with maggots or casters : feed a generous quantity into the swim initially , then little and often as the day wears on , the total quantity obviously varying according to how well the carp are feeding .
13 Briefly , the field is the total event together with the purposive activity of the speaker or writer ; the mode is the function of the text in the event , including spoken or written , extempore or prepared and its genre or rhetorical mode such as narrative , didactic , persuasive , phatic communion ; the tenor refers to the type of ro∘le-interaction , the set of relevant social relations among the participants .
14 For example they support the market square project and at the end of the day even with the total budget down to S S A the vast bulk of the money being spent by conservative budget 's been spent on people salaries but it 's still being spent on services and the labour party this year has lost the three elements keeping the tax down and that 's quite a good thing to see .
15 This resulted in the loss of about 20 staff , bringing the total headcount here to 100 .
16 A further 1,400 jobs were cut last year , bringing the total headcount down to 7,100 , down from a peak of 17,700 in 1984 .
17 A further 6,000 soldiers from Nigeria 's army were demobbed at the end of June , bringing the total reduction so far to 15,000 .
18 In December 1980 the government announced that a further 192 non-departmental bodies were to be wound up by 1983 , bringing the total savings up to about 23m a year by 1983 .
19 Ma that , that just makes the total picture just different altogether .
20 The total fees up to and including call ( including the cost of dinners ) are about £670 .
21 They also wanted some data at higher current densities , , but were nervous that increasing the amount of current could lead to another disaster — the vaporised palladium block still haunted Fleischmann — so they decided to achieve this by keeping the total currents approximately unchanged but using rods that were only 1.25 cm long instead of 10 cm , the effect being to increase the current density eightfold .
22 Some dioceses have their own arrangements and now send the total amount rather than 75% . )
23 Making sure that the available yarn is of the same quality , that is double knitting or chunky and so on , gather the total amount together .
24 It implied tax on the total amount so transferred to the wife will be payable on her death .
25 The difference between this and the total hardness then gives the magnesium content .
26 A simultaneous assault would be made by 4000 of the army which had taken Gosport , while the boats landing on Portsea Island would return to the Isle of Wight to bring the total force up to 20,000 men , and eventually , for the siege of Portsmouth , to 30,000 , an operation de la Rousselière predicted would be completed in a week .
27 The Moguls can have made very little impression on the total population however .
28 It should be noted that although the total population over 65 is not expected to increase for the remainder of the twentieth century , this is due to a projected fall in the numbers aged 60/65–74 ( by 5 per cent between 1981 and 1991 ) combined with a rise in the numbers at older ages .
29 The total has grown since the present service was set up in 1948 , although in fact the proportion of children in care per thousand of the total population under 18 has not altered so much .
30 Erm just to go over the payments for the car park which has come up actually under community industries and the plants , the total being now for plants it was four hundred and forty four pounds er
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