Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The people in the pew , not to mention the clergy and the musicians themselves , have to be convinced of the priority of worship , and the indispensability of first-rate music within it .
2 This is commendably democratic and can work perfectly well , but sometimes the intimacy of one-to-one conversation yields more interesting results for both parties .
3 The canzoni by Giovanni Gabrieli in this collection are early and relatively unimportant works ; already in the Symphoniae Sacrae of 1597 he had published canzoni in which the form was revolutionized by transference from the intimacy of private performance and enjoyment to music for ecclesiastical or state occasions .
4 You only have to look around to assent to the truth of this bitter observation : contamination is the norm , corruption is the accepted social lubricant , deceit the everyday fuel , whether in the intimacy of personal relationships or in the public arena of the affairs of state .
5 Contrasting strongly with the intimacy of this neat memorial , Ventura Salimberi 's The Death of St Clare , with Pope Innocent IV blessing her , is a crowded and public affair in stately surroundings .
6 Immediately , Alnasr Alwasheek was burdened with the tag of new favourite for the 2,000 Guineas on May 2 .
7 Blackburn Rovers have lost the tag of runaway leaders and championship certainties .
8 However , nor surprisingly , critics have drawn comparisons between the Frenchman and Sir Norman Foster and have attempted to attach to Nouvel the tag of High Tech architect .
9 The UDC decided against taking up the issue , judging that , despite the breadth of opposition , when the Government made up its mind that conscription was necessary , the defence of civil liberties would crumble before the appeals of patriotism .
10 The person ejected could then mount an action for battery and the defence of reasonable force to eject a trespasser would fail .
11 Criticizing Vatra Romaneasca ( Romanian Hearth — a nationalist organization for the defence of Romanian interests in Transylvania ) , Tokes demanded a statement about its proposal to investigate him and nine others for " threatening the security of Romania " .
12 There was an immediate countermove , however , by a group of deputies representing Estonia 's large Russian minority , who announced the establishment of a committee " for the defence of Soviet power " which would work for either a restructured Soviet federation or else for the creation of a new " state territorial formation " for Estonia 's Russians ( i.e. separating from Estonia those areas of the republic with a majority Russian population ) .
13 Lord Palumbo , the current Chairman , sprang to the defence of arm's-length funding : institutions such as his own , he wrote to The Times , ‘ are a countervailing force to the centralisation of decision-making of government ’ .
14 It was now possible — and also politically essential — to give serious thought to the defence of continental Europe , and to ways in which a Soviet offensive might be halted no further west than the Rhine .
15 MERSEYSIDE MPs today came to the defence of Grand National flagman Kenneth Evans the man blamed for the big race fiasco .
16 The same is true of the defence of contributory negligence , section 6(1) .
17 Fault is defined by s. 4 : " negligence , breach of statutory duty or other act or omission which gives rise to a liability in tort or would , apart from the Act give rise to the defence of contributory negligence " .
18 The fault of the plaintiff means an act or omission which would , apart from the Act give rise to the defence of contributory negligence .
19 The remaining five Fulmars which had led the Hurricanes in were to stay on the island , although the original plan called for them to fly on to Maleme ( Crete ) , where they were to assist the Fulmars of 805 Squadron in the defence of that island .
20 His main priority was the defence of Calvinist orthodoxy .
21 He goes on to argue that the situational theory , the defence of established institutions , most closely meets these criteria .
22 Dolphins will also come to the defence of each other in fighting off an attacker or threat , and they are ready to extend these forms of rescue to humans in distress .
23 The defence of honest belief that a girl is over 16 is likely to have a far greater impact than the defence of honest belief in consent in the context of rape .
24 The defence of honest belief that a girl is over 16 is likely to have a far greater impact than the defence of honest belief in consent in the context of rape .
25 The defence of honest comment would not have availed him .
26 The Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( FMSM — an alliance led by Jérôme Marojama Razanabahiny of Vonjy ) , was set up by the government as a counterweight to the new opposition parties .
27 Despite the refusal of supporters of Zafy to participate in the new unity government , Razamasy said that it included members of the Movement for Proletarian Power ( MFM ) and the Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( MMSM ) .
28 Opposition to the new constitution came primarily from the Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( MMSM ) , a coalition of parties supporting President Didier Ratsiraka .
29 The Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights , a radical anti-statist grouping whose members included some repealers , launched a counter-attack against the new act , complaining that : ‘ Miss Hopkins … is at present … crying for the wholesale kidnapping of little girls who may not have perfect domestic surroundings and their consignment to large prison schools . ’
30 Opposition from the Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights and from parliamentary Liberals and trade-union leaders focused on the growing threat to personal liberty .
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