Example sentences of "the [noun sg] given [art] " in BNC.

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1 The support given the previous day to German neo-Nazis in two regional elections there was the starting point for his attack on PR ; a first-past-the-post system and stringent policies on asylum and immigration were preventing an extreme-right emergence in Britain , so he argued .
2 Clinton 's reign as world champion has been blemished by controversy because of the debate over the validity of his win over the Mexican , Isidro Perez , to win his title and the verdict given the Scot after his first defence against Danny Porter , from London .
3 Another entrepreneur establishing a sack-making factory with limited protection , may find a relative of the president given a licence to import freely the same product .
4 Indeed , it was out of the question given the dollar 's enfeebled position .
5 Although librarians might not make the mistake of viewing selection as censorship , amongst the general public * might be difficult to make the distinction given the sensational and mischievous coverage given to some alleged library censorship in the media .
6 Zeta 's Lad , who has won five chases in a row this season , certainly looks the part and although he is no ‘ good thing ’ I feel he has the form to win the race given a clear round .
7 If the current market price of the CD including accrued interest is P and the current yield is r , we can calculate the yield given the price using or the price given the yield using where M = face value of the CD , F = maturity value of the CD , N im = number of days between issue and maturity , N sm = number of days between settlement and maturity , N is = number of days between issue and settlement .
8 One may affirm the fundamental principle of non-violence and yet feel morally bound to kill the madman given the circumstances .
9 But in recent years his plays have been more about the paradoxical nature of dissidence itself : the emotional turbulence of the authority given the individual as a public spokesman , and about the fact that one of the worst features of any totalitarian system is the need to conform to other people 's expectations .
10 However , the prospect that such a strategy might succeed appeared somewhat remote from the outset given the rather equivocal commitment to freedom of conscience under the convention as a whole ( not least of which is its failure to incorporate a right of conscientious objection to compulsory military service ( Dignan , 1983 ) ) .
11 Abseil stakes would also be needed to regain the beach given the dense thickets between the tops of the climbs and the coast path .
12 Have not the Government given the French-backed consortium a licence to print money ?
13 If the current market price of the CD including accrued interest is P and the current yield is r , we can calculate the yield given the price using or the price given the yield using where M = face value of the CD , F = maturity value of the CD , N im = number of days between issue and maturity , N sm = number of days between settlement and maturity , N is = number of days between issue and settlement .
14 In this form the ratio of the share price decline to the size of the dividend may be used to estimate the personal income tax of the investor given a rate of capital gains tax .
15 John Parker , chairman and chief executive of Harland & Wolff , is the man given the credit for the about-turn .
16 The man given the task of bringing the legend to life is Chelmsford-born Alex Bourne who is relishing this unabashed , foot-stomping , hand-clapping piece of rock and roll history .
17 On the basis of the information given the children will discuss their tactics for the match and decide the instructions to be typed in .
18 However , it seems unlikely that the international banking consortium will abandon the project given the large amounts of irretrievable money already committed .
19 Name the doctor given a suspended prison sentence for the attempted murder of a dying patient .
20 There is no simple or tractable means of introducing decreasing costs in the model given the data available on the UK fertilizer industry .
21 Rarely , however , was the press given a glimpse behind the facade .
22 When the price has been agreed your agent will confirm it in writing and notify your solicitor — but wait until the buyer 's survey has been completed and the house given the OK before celebrating or allowing your agent to put up his ‘ Sold Subject to Contract ’ sign .
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