Example sentences of "the [noun sg] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They needed no second bidding but rode as fast as they could , not pausing until they thundered through the half-open gate of Godstowe Priory , putting the porter into such serious agitation he appeared almost sober for once .
2 He divided the remainder into two piles .
3 Retaining only a dozen men to accompany the vehicles when they entered the grounds , he divided the remainder into two parties and dispatched them to cover the area north of the perimeter fence .
4 In this way the author can create any link labels but still look for patterns of analogical inheritance by mapping the link into similar links according to the hierarchy in Roget 's .
5 After substituting strong infantry guards at the fords , in place of the cavalry-men , almost the entire Scots mounted force formed up and rode off , in companies , southwards , up the long hill of Scremerston Brae , to disappear eventually over the ridge into deeper Northumberland .
6 The litigants must take these factors into account when considering whether to apply for or consent to the division of the trial into two parts .
7 The break-up into eight companies of the dominant United States telephone organization — AT&T or ‘ Ma Bell ’ — was the most important event in world telecommunications in the 1980S .
8 She nodded towards the far end of the table and then turned her back on them , pouring the milk into two big cauldrons by the fire .
9 Divide the pastry into four and roll out each piece to a 20cm/8in round .
10 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
11 They relaxed as they counted the money into seventeen bundles of a hundred and fifty thousand , and some of them left their fingerprints .
12 The management committee will meet and it will divide the money into two and give each one however much the management committee feels that it should have and that management committee need not meet again for twelve months because there will be nothing for it to do .
13 You pour the money into this , it 's bounced back on you but as usual there is no limit .
14 You move the money into those Swiss accounts — the faster , the better ! ’
15 So what have we done , we 've put the money into ten lots of five pound now okay so we got fifty pounds let's say we had it in five pound notes .
16 Consideration is now being given to using the colonies as a breeding stock to reintroduce the monk into some of its former territories , including the Senegal River , the Canary Islands and the Black Sea .
17 The work of the symbolic , of the American television institution , in articulating this technical and imaginary possibility is to break it , interrupt , withdraw by separating the text into saleable parts , breaking up the promise of coherence and wholeness into short sessions , as it were , constantly jerking us out of the dream of coherent signifieds into the world of the endless play of signifiers .
18 For example , you could double the width of the margins or reformat the text into several columns .
19 Congratulations to Barkers for turning over the whole of the basement into one big showcase for some brilliant furnishing fashion — much of it British .
20 These would convert the hydrogen into more helium , and the heat given off would raise the pressure , and so stop the clouds from contracting any further .
21 The procedure simply divides the field into horizontal or vertical strips numbered from the top or bottom and informs the user in which strip the test card 's edge lies .
22 As the recipient of all their reports and assessments , formal and informal , the supervisor is in a position to exert his authority by moulding disparate practices and judgements in the field into some degree of consistency .
23 So , at the end of February , the lawmakers put the ban into immediate effect .
24 A better solution is to split the take into two shots , the first ( pre-tilt ) one being exposed normally , and the second ( tilted ) one being given the correction .
25 The same pressures which threaten to muddle his faith can seduce the Christian into moral laxity ; but the Bible , which provides his main line of defence against false teaching , is also an effective weapon against moral temptations .
26 TV and national newspapers turned the election into another soap opera .
27 A fine copy of Pride and Prejudice in original boards , uncut , and with paper labels , can take the buyer into four figures ; a beautiful set in calf or morocco costing perhaps a tenth of that , and one in cloth considerably less still .
28 That we look not for detailed application of single techniques in a piecemeal fashion , but rather that we look for the general developments from which we can build school specific approaches which translate the experience into usable school practice .
29 Both men 's views in the inter-war period were highly subjective and embittered ; both lacked the necessary detachment and sense of objective hindsight to bring the experience into proper perspective .
30 It is important to grasp two complementary elements : first of all the persistence into industrial society of old habits of thought about sex amongst the working class , and their gradual , not immediate , transformation throughout the nineteenth century in the context of working-class experience .
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