Example sentences of "the [noun sg] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even if an algorithm embodied knowledge that perhaps the training set should be transformed to polar coordinates , still the algorithm would have to search a 2-dimensional continuum of possible centres .
2 Thus , the algorithm would backtrack to one of the apparently cheaper paths and extend that one .
3 Even if the estimated cost of a branch costing .1 was .0999999 , the algorithm would backtrack , exploring the search space breadth-first .
4 The cost of the path would increase to as a word from this region was incorporated , and the algorithm would backtrack to one of the apparently better extensions where the cost was .
5 It did n't seem likely that the porter would turn out to be co-operative .
6 With South African Rugby in the dock the Council for the Defence would point to the record of the Springboks .
7 Unfortunately , the prosecution failed to disclose that the complainant had a spent conviction for theft , and it was held that , had the conviction been duly disclosed , the defence would have applied for and would undoubtedly have been granted leave to cross-examine the complainant about it .
8 The defence would have this effect where first , the plaintiff 's action is directly connected with the joint illegal enterprise and not merely incidental to it .
9 Crown counsel said the defence would question the admissibility of statements allegedly made to police but it was the prosecution case that the attack had been carried out on behalf of the IRA .
10 The taxing code works without difficulty and the trustees would be assessed jointly — Lord Keith in Dawson v IRC referred to the fact that if all the trustees " had been resident in the United Kingdom application of the enactment would have been such that the income would have been treated as arising or accruing to all three , and all three would have been jointly assessable to tax " .
11 Development plans by government agencies which were opposed by the Park would require parliamentary approval .
12 Another round of the park would kill me — there was not a shadow of a doubt about that .
13 an initial call to ascertain whether a business is for sale or a potential buyer is interested in the opportunity would appear to be permitted .
14 The depths of a recession is hardly the best time to make such a move , but a substantial redundancy package has helped to cushion the risk and Mr Wise could not be certain the opportunity would come his way again .
15 The majority would face drugs charges , a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said .
16 If you were to ask twenty men or women in the street what they should do to avoid heart disease the majority would say , ‘ take more exercise and eat margarine instead of butter . ’
17 The structure of courses should be such that the majority would require a form of integrated study such as that described in the Grouped Course Scheme within existing TEC policy .
18 A minority viewed such anxieties as veiled excuses for inaction , but the majority would endorse the warning Herzen had delivered in 1862 that the revolutionaries must not ‘ take the people for clay and ourselves for sculptors ’ .
19 I do not think that the conch would have been thought of or used , at least to start , but the girls would have probably got together into one large group as the boys did , although with sub-divisions of especial friends .
20 He estimated that executive boxes in the stand would bring in £800,000 a year .
21 He estimated that executive boxes in the stand would bring in £800,000 a year .
22 Realising that the take-off would involve an element of risk , the Nimbus pilot had , in fact , refused to go at first , and had asked for the K8 to be moved .
23 The second stage of Soviet troop withdrawals began in May 1990 [ see p. 37454 ] ; by June , 82 per cent of the 27,000 concerned were reported to have left ( more than scheduled ) , and the remainder would leave by 1992 .
24 Of BCCI 's assets $100 million would be used to bolster First American Bankshares Inc. , BCCI 's main US subsidiary , while $150 million would go to US creditors , $275 million would go to foreign creditors , and the remainder would pay civil fines and penalties in the USA .
25 It 's not really an all-rounder 's instrument , as over-application of a flatpick can reveal some boxy and harsh overtones , but without those same qualities the guitar would lack the fast , bright response and the bounce and snap that make it what it is .
26 Full private funding of the link would require a rate of return of between 12%percnt ; and 15% and British Rail has argued that the project can not even provide the 8% return demanded of public sector investment .
27 South Korean officials expressed the hope that the link would help to improve contacts with other members of the Non-aligned Movement .
28 When the Secretary of State announced in August this year the route that would be followed by the high-speed link , it was a tremendous disappointment to the local authorities and consortiums in the north of England that the link would come from the east through Stratford to King 's Cross .
29 Environment minister Robin Squire said the funding would benefit many people living in Middlesbrough .
30 Lord James said the funding would grow in subsequent years , and pointed to the constructive support and welcome the policy had received .
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