Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ’ I just hate categories and sometimes new age can connotate airy-fairy , ridiculous things , whereas the synchro-energiser is based on scientific research . ’
2 Garg and Gotlieb have developed a method that is related to interpolation searching , and in which the algorithm is based on an analysis of the key sequence , rather than on a presupposition such as the effectiveness of any particular procedure — say mid-square or division .
3 The heuristic component of the algorithm is given by some estimate h(N) which is a guess at the cost of a cheapest path from N to a goal .
4 The algorithm is implemented in the program yacorder and is used for positioning contigs which do not contain any mapped probes and so can not be positioned directly .
5 Each component of the partition is a cluster , and the algorithm is intended to find clusters which are as far apart as possible .
6 In Fig. 8.1. the algorithm is misled into taking the leftmost path because its actual cost , 3 , is less than the estimate , 4 , ( though not the actual cost , 2 ) of the correct , rightmost path .
7 The algorithm is used both for originally arranging the array , and to check whether a particular value is present .
8 The algorithm is supplied with a heuristic function , called f , and it chooses nodes from OPEN in order of their f values .
9 and the algorithm is guided just by the cost so far , g(n) .
10 The algorithm is modified , since only some set of the higher probability letters are selected as candidates to be chosen between , instead of choosing between all possible candidates .
11 The algorithm is described by Walker .
12 The tag is picked up at the end of a track and the synonym will also , on average , be at or near the end of a track , not in the middle .
13 There 's always a bad moment , Howard knows , after the porter 's unlocked your room , switched everything on , drawn the curtains , and gone away again with a huge tip because you had only a folder of fresh banknotes in your pocket , when you sit down helplessly and think , well , here we are , this is it , I 've arrived .
14 The use that may be made of the occurrence or non-occurrence of a reinvestigation by the defence is bound to be problematic .
15 It has been suggested that the defence is limited to the ‘ mischievous , deliberate and conscious act of a stranger , ’ and therefore excludes his negligent acts .
16 The defence is called " fair comment " — a misnomer , because it in fact defends unfair comment , so long as that comment is honest : " Every latitude must be given to opinion and to prejudice , and then an ordinary set of men with ordinary judgment must say [ not whether they agree with it , but ] whether any fair man would have made such a comment …
17 The defence is expected to summarise its case tomorrow — the final day of this trial at the Palais de Justice in Paris
18 The defence is confined to absence of supply , for example where the goods are stolen from the manufacturer or scrapped by him .
19 If the defence is used by a drug manufacturer where a new drug has caused damage to users , then provided he can show that laboratory tests showed no defects , he would be justified in marketing the drug while testing is still under way .
20 If any question arises as to this , the defence is entitled , and is under a duty , to invite the trial judge to exercise the discretionary power given to him by section 17 of the Evidence Act , which corresponds exactly to section 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1865 ( 28 & 29 Vict. c. 18 ) and provides :
21 It is of course taken for granted that the loading is such that always so that the response is given by equations ( 8.11 ) ( 8.13 ) .
22 In achaete flies , the prepattern forms normally , but the cells locally do not respond , presumably because some gene needed for the response is changed .
23 Moscovitch found support for his proposition in the fact that split-brain patients sometimes begin to write with the left hand what is clearly a correct response to a stimulus seen in the left visual field , but that then the left hemisphere takes over control and the response is finished incorrectly since the left half of the brain has not seen the stimulus ( Levy , Mebes and Sperry , 1971 ) .
24 The response is encrypted as it is sent , and responses come back faster than pre-PROFS .
25 I 'm aware that our backs are up against the wall as regards time because the response is meant to be in by Friday erm I do n't think actually that this is the the paper that Vince is presenting , although in fact , surely raises issues , I do n't think it is actually response as it stands , I think it is a paper which raises items of issues for this committee to consider , I do n't think in itself it serves as a response .
26 The income is charged to tax under Sch D , Case III .
27 Countries , particularly developing countries , need the income , and unless the income is replaced by the international community they must seek the economic worth of their resources .
28 Higher rate taxpayers face a liability to an extra 15% tax if the income is withdrawn , but it is possible to roll up the interest and take it in a year when the investor is only a basic rate taxpayer .
29 Special rules apply to fresh sources of income : broadly , in the early years the income is assessed on an actual basis .
30 The income is used to pay the interest on the loan ( the loan must be a " debt for money lent ( to the client ) outside the United Kingdom : TA 1988 , s65(b) ( d ) " ) so the constructive remittance provisions in s65 will not apply .
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