Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eighteen paintings , the majority previously unpublished , include works by Agostino Carracci , a Ribera ‘ Portrait of a Man ’ currently showing in the Ribera exhibition at the Metropolitan , a sketch for the Brera San Carlo Borromeo altarpiece by Procaccini and a ‘ Christ on the Mount of Olives ’ by Preti .
2 The North , led by Andy Morris , included fellow England U21s Dickon Edwards and Tony Handley ; whilst Sleightholme , Northey , Bramley and Bracken , the majority still eligible for U21 Divisional competition , were away in Zimbabwe and Namibia .
3 " We then proceeded with the examination of the boys in the presence of the Mayor and several Ladies and Gentlemen of the Town , Mr. Prescott [ sic ] the Rector of Stockport being the Examiner ; and considering the recent re-endowment and establishment of the School , and that many of the children when first admitted were unable to read , and the majority very backward in their learning , we have much pleasure in reporting that the result of this first public examination was very satisfactory and that it was apparent that the Master and Usher had faithfully discharged their duties . "
4 The idea was mooted to make the Bundesrat more powerful when the constitution was being drawn up : it might have resembled its much more powerful namesake under Bismarck 's truly federal constitution .
5 As time went on and the primitive physically competitive urges were becoming supplemented by the more devious mental ways in which one being could gain ascendance over another , the opportunities to use those beliefs were exploited by the more skilful members of the society .
6 Steeply sloping sites may be totally or partially unsuitable for development and the writer can recall a site where only two thirds of the land was developable and the remainder barely suitable for inclusion in the gardens of the completed dwellings .
7 In practice it has involved efforts to cut the size of the public enterprise sector and to make the remainder more efficient and more attentive to financial rather than public service criteria of viability .
8 The JD 's baseplate is actually better finished , although when it arrived the guitar was lacking the low E grubscrew , rendering the guitar virtually unplayable .
9 I cut two holes int he lid and fitted a couple of turned spigots , using plastic pipe to keep the bore as large as possible .
10 erm there 's no doubt that our society , whatever kind of sentimental things it says about the status of the housewife , gives the housewife extremely low status , and that power and status and respect in society are accorded to people who achieve things in the work world occupationally outside the home , and given that that is so I think women , to increase their self respect , have got to achieve things outside the home , yes .
11 Paulette thought the Prince disgustingly ugly : he was obnoxiously thin , with a bulbous round head on a ridiculously long neck .
12 All of this it seemed might make the Prince less unacceptable to France and so would give the candidacy an air of reasonableness to the rest of Europe .
13 F has joined the layline too early and as well as getting dirty wind as he approaches the mark , he will have no option but to sail on as if there is a favourable shift .
14 Only after they were built did the Manager of Shawcraft ask me why I had n't made the base more cone-shaped .
15 With the variety now available you can change the image of your home , simply by changing your furniture .
16 Most men seemed to find both the quantity and the variety quite acceptable and to recognize that , with a large institution and central kitchens , the variable quality was only to be expected .
17 He had got the direction slightly wrong and had passed the dell before he realised it .
18 The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength , and more strength he had just summoned , into the fish 's side just behind the great chest fill that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man 's chest .
19 He may have found service under the Protectorate more congenial than that of the Commonwealth ; in 1653–4 he moved from the navy to the central executive , becoming assistant secretary and then clerk of Oliver Cromwell 's council and treasurer of the protector 's contingencies .
20 And on the thought , she lifted the hand , the squat unusually clean hand , and held it against her cheek .
21 The bike most likely would need fixing if Lee got his hands on it .
22 Nowadays the rider keeps the bike relatively upright deeper into the corner , accomplishing the actual turning in an instant and then firing the bike out on the throttle .
23 ‘ I knew he would get the humour and the pathos just right and I was proved correct .
24 ( 1986 ) found that young people admitted to care had experienced and continued to experience during the admission highly disturbing and unpredictable family relationships .
25 By pushing down on the boom I was keeping the rig more upright , hence providing more power whilst also keeping the board more level and stopping the back of the board digging in too much .
26 I found the Board very hospitable to Russian graduates .
27 These two systems working in opposition seem to give the locust very fine speed control .
28 I found the sack very comfortable considering the simplicity of the back system and was pleased to find that it was long enough for me to use the waist belt properly .
29 It holds the blade at exactly the right angle to achieve optimum sharpness , and it 's this that makes the sharpener so quick and easy to use .
30 The use of real stone would have made the shell too heavy to move , and so carved and painted wood to represent the creamy white of Lutyens 's favourite Portland stone was used .
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