Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] our " in BNC.

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1 It tells us that if we could just advance the intimacy of our relationship to the next step we would be satisfied to hold at that level until the wedding .
2 ‘ After all , since the intimacy of our initial introduction , I already know quite a lot . ’
3 In place of the Organisation of American States and the Inter-American Treaty for Reciprocal Assistance he proposed that the Latin American and Caribbean states establish an agency of their own that would ‘ create mechanisms for [ mutual ] consultation and cooperation in the political field ’ and allow them ‘ to join our efforts in the defence of our common interest ’ .
4 That system will now come into operation , and will be available for the defence of our country for many years .
5 He recognises this for what it is — solid confirmation of the Government 's determination to invest in the defence of our country .
6 What about Jane Austen , Dr Sheila Lawlor demanded , in the response to our Report sent in to the NCC by the right-wing Centre for Policy Studies .
7 In fact , such was the response to our initial soundings that we now wish to broaden the discussions to include a much larger audience and would therefore be keen to hear from anyone with a view to express or , an interest in this area .
8 ‘ We have been rewarded with significant new business in tableware and giftware and , in particular , the response to our bridal tableware marketing strategy has been very encouraging indeed .
9 There is also the response to our duopoly review , and many companies are now coming forward with sizeable investment projects and are seeking licences .
10 ‘ I was overwhelmed by the response to our invitation and must thank the DVTA staff as well as all those who came along ’ , Mr Watson said .
11 In particular sales of kitchens and bedrooms have shown considerable increases and whilst we 're pleased with the response to our new products we remain cautious on the outlook for consumer expenditure .
12 In the evening the surround tops flamed red in the rays of the setting sun and cheerful singing emanated from the tent of our happy go lucky band of sherpas .
13 Every year an Irish festival is held in the park opposite our house .
14 Watching the Turks spray it around the park against our implacable foes , the English recently , the mystery deepened as to how we managed to knock in five goals against them at Lansdowne Road .
15 With the addition of our new process area we now have a plant which will see us well into the next decade .
16 We do n't charge extra for coffee , service or bread , which is home-made and devoured in vast quantities , and the majority of our customers leave a generous gratuity , obviously happy with the meal and service .
17 Chairman Laurence Orbach said it was ‘ the first occasion that we experienced poor conditions in the majority of our markets . ’
18 However , we have held rates steady for the majority of our policyholders and , in some areas , have even reduced them .
19 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
20 At this stage I have to briefly pause and praise the majority of our aquatic goods manufacturers who are getting a staggering amount of praise mail at present .
21 The truth is that they 're so often used as fast turnover test beds for review equipment , and new fishkeeping ideas , that they are probably less interesting than the majority of our readers ' tanks .
22 We have not won any Oscars , but the majority of our recommendations notched up gains of between 20% and 60% .
23 Chief Superintendent Alan Jones , head of West Midlands police training , said : ‘ The majority of our drivers are highly skilled and would doubtless be dismayed by these comments . ’
24 ‘ Most of the people around the business know how to use Lotus , so we use it for the majority of our day-to-day work , the smaller and the one-off jobs .
25 Firmly established as a class , the majority of our yawls built 40 to 50 years ago are still sailing .
26 They sat astonished as Sir Claus Moser , head of the National Commission on Education , told them : ‘ The majority of our children are in schools which you would n't want to be associated with .
27 Sitting in one position to observe and record appearances does not conform to the majority of our everyday experience of landscape .
28 The involvement of parents to the extent which now obtains in the majority of our primary schools comes as something of a shock to teachers visiting English primary schools from overseas .
29 Our middle grade hotels are the most popular choice for the majority of our customers .
30 Therefore the majority of our current staff will have to look for other employment .
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