Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As the University is so pressurised for space we must make sure now that we get the best courses that we possibly can and that they will earn the income to justify their inception . ’
2 In the past , if somebody went to the Department of Social Security , they simply had to show that they did n't have the income to fund their place , and they then received Income Support .
3 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
4 The intention of the environmentalists who had campaigned for the referendums was to make it necessary for parliament to pass new legislation , since this would give them the opportunity to press their demands for much stricter controls .
5 The National Governing Bodies whose sports can be accommodated in the facilities have taken the opportunity to promote their sport to a potential audience of four million people and are organising displays , coaching clinics , tournaments and so on .
6 During the troubles of 1173–4 the inhabitants of the citadel seized the opportunity to turn their enclosure into a proper circuit of walls , a move which was probably aimed against the city rather than against ducal authority , though clearly it was taking advantage of the latter 's temporary weakness .
7 As well as the peace of mind of a guaranteed future value at the end of the agreement Rover also offers the customer the opportunity to insure their payments against the risks of sickness , accident , redundancy and even loss of life .
8 ‘ What we 've done , in reappraising policies in light of values , is to see our task not as we did in the past , as the relief of poverty or the advancement of equality , but as giving individuals the opportunity to realise their potential to the full , ’ he says .
9 Having been dormant for a while they are looking for funds to give Britain 's young people the opportunity to realise their full skiing potential .
10 But the Travelling Workshops Experiment report went on to say that : ‘ … although the new approach was welcomed , few librarians actually took advantage of the opportunity to evaluate their user-education programmes by using the evaluation materials provided by the TWE as part of each package ’ .
11 The purpose of teaching these topics explicitly and formally is to provide student-teachers with the opportunity to evaluate their own experience and to make professional judgments about their learners based on scientific principles and evaluated evidence .
12 Even the independent bookmakers , who might have been expected to welcome the opportunity to extend their hours , were largely against the reform .
13 The Melpash Agricultural Show will this year include a marquee for Woodlands and Woodcraft , and will offer woodworkers the opportunity to display their skills on 29 August .
14 Aside from the many companies which have gone into liquidation , those which survive have taken the opportunity to improve their operating efficiency , often achieving this by reduction in staffing levels .
15 The cash will be used to help set up a family action centre on the estate and give young people the opportunity to improve their future .
16 Members are given a discount card which entitles them to 10% of all yarn and haberdashery purchases from the shop and they also have the opportunity to sell their garments through the shop on a commission basis .
17 As the Americans hoped to obtain substantial rights in the Middle East , the British took the opportunity to use their influence in those countries and warn the governments about what wide American penetration of their air services would mean .
18 We need to offer an education that enables them to play a positive role in society by giving them the opportunity to use their talents .
19 Nevertheless , we should not lose sight of the fact that even such relatively immature communicators in terms of message evaluation — as the seven-year-olds are able to progress with a substantial degree of success given the opportunity to use their negotiating powers .
20 Clerical workers lost the opportunity to use their initiative and instead their work became highly regulated .
21 The overall aims of the experience would be specified , including : to give students the opportunity to work in a real production kitchen where the pace , the expectations and the allowed tolerances would be different from a college training kitchen ; to give students the chance to see and use specialist equipment unavailable at college ; to give the students the opportunity to assess their own personal skills , including the ability to cope on their own , away from home .
22 I was surprised spectators had n't been given the opportunity to assess their merits .
23 And all the voters should have the opportunity to mark their approval or disapproval of these policies .
24 WITH the two main floodlit tournaments in Junior Rugby just around the corner , many clubs are looking forward to the opportunity to sharpen their skills in preparation for the first batch of league matches .
25 The Federation claims the meeting will give the banks and small businesses the opportunity to air their thoughts on a range of important issues .
26 These programmes are aimed at managers who are operating at Board level , allowing those with the greatest responsibility for strategy and policy the opportunity to refresh their skills , to bring themselves fully up-to-date professionally and to focus on the implications of changes in the commercial and public sector environment for the benefit of their own organisation
27 Golf enthusiasts will have the opportunity to plan their entire year on the new Golfer 's 1990 Year Planner which is being launched this autumn .
28 Finally , a newsletter , Studio News is issued on subscription to members , so that the wheels of communication are kept well-oiled , and not members miss out on the opportunity to seem their favourite demonstrator in action !
29 Rather , they aim to provide all students with the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of their subjects , their analytical skills and their capacity to handle complex issues under time pressure .
30 Some firms might simply move to cheaper labour ; others might use the opportunity to update their production processes thus making them less dependent on traditionally skilled labour forces ; others again might simply respond to the lure of regional incentives .
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