Example sentences of "the [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not er not my understanding , the the and I think there is a we may have hit on the perhaps the only the only error in the whole , all the figures in this table , there should be a minus clearly in front of the three point six seven in that table .
2 None the less the overall evolutionary picture remains vague .
3 None the less the general point which underlies Marx 's concept of production for use , as opposed to production for exchange , seems , in spite of the objections just considered , a fundamental advance which has yet to be fully appreciated .
4 In which case , the less the other army suspected , the better .
5 None the less the sheer ability and enthusiasm of the first generation established the value of the MRO and the important contribution he or she could bring to teachers and schools , both primary and secondary .
6 None the less the chief engineer 's department had expanded considerably since CEB days ( when they numbered 65 ) : the technical and engineering staff at headquarters grew from 173 in 1948 to 330 by 1952 .
7 None the less the pronounced Indian elements in the otherwise classical design of New Delhi were a tribute to Havell 's persistence .
8 None the less the opposite argument is equally shaky ; it would be frightening to imagine teachers embarking on the planning of a term 's work or even one single-period unit without asking themselves the simplest questions : " Why am I doing this ?
9 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
10 While younger pupils can not be expected to have great depth of understanding and indeed will not reach a mature conceptual level of historical understanding until their mid-teens , none the less the initial building bricks in the process can be laid from the very beginning of the pupil 's school career .
11 The less the natural variation within blocks , the greater is the internal validity of the experiment ; the greater the natural variability among blocks , the greater the external validity ( though a single experiment is unlikely to be adequate in this respect ) ; and randomization of the treatments within each block eliminates bias in the comparisons .
12 The more you thrust forward your ideas , your solutions , your methods , the less the subordinate will feel responsible for his own actions , and hence committed .
13 goes streamingly across there like that put as much glue on the back as you can so that they 're really well anchored down , leave the so the outside edge of the square level with the
14 And the basically the whitish colour of the er the brick work .
15 The sooner the Prime Minister and her horde of Americans get off his back the better . ’
16 The sooner the Liberal Democrats accept that they too need a pre-election deal to avoid extinction , the sooner some viable opposition to the Tories can begin to be created .
17 And if this is true , the sooner the mainstream cosmetic houses make changes to the way they sell make-up , the better off we 'll all be .
18 Therefore in the early stages nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer will improve growth , but the sooner the deep-rooted mycorrhizal species become established , the quicker there will be self-sufficiency in phosphorus , though phosphorus is likely to be limiting as the agroecosystem matures .
19 I therefore entirely agree with what you say-as things are the sooner the Labour Party comes into power the better .
20 In my view , the sooner the old model is scrapped , the better . ’
21 The sooner the potential customer selects a particular product or brand as meeting his or her purchase needs , the more successful has been its marketing .
22 Now do n't forget the sigma means the just the grand total .
23 On the other hand , for the second state unc unc for that is the just the mathematical statement that the polariser extinguishes this state .
24 and the large one was the just the red packet
25 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
26 And it seems to me axiomatic that the further the new settlement is located away from York City Centre , York City , then less likely it will be erm to meet the housing requirement needs of the Greater York area .
27 Because he did a programme actually on the B B C called the ‘ Vermarkt Hour ’ , which was beamed at German troops , and then possibly the third phase was the possibly the psychological warfare .
28 The more inelastic the supply curve and the more elastic the demand curve , the more the final incidence will fall on the seller rather than the purchaser .
29 The study found that the less useful the new product , the more the Canadian drug companies charged for it .
30 What this means is that the faster we go , the more the apparent wind direction swings forwards .
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