Example sentences of "the [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 you know , really go and do th have a pamper to the , and I said , oh yes Gillian I will , but the she said and go with Marion because you get a twenty five percent reduction if you share a room .
2 Look it 's one under the you know and then whatever
3 but when ya , when you stand at the front door and er there 's a blower breeze and it 's cold , if you put your hand round the door like that , you can feel a draught , you can feel it colder than the you know and the letter box , the draught but if you take that and put a curtain up , it 'll keep the cold out , you 've stopped the draught so you 're gon na win
4 So I went back into the spare room , I was doing some ironing which was on the you know and the next minute the phone went !
5 As Vivian Salmon has shown , awkwardness in pronunciation , ‘ where the — st suffix of the Thou- form stood in close proximity to consonants whose assimilation was difficult , or would have resulted in syntactic ambiguity ’ , led to a preference for the You form or for one retaining Thou but adding an unstressed do , as in ‘ What didst thou lose ? ’ or ‘ It was ourself thou didst abuse ’ .
6 you see er what it 's like now it was a large adjoining the , the , the large room , what they call the you see and over the , over the other , across the line , to the railway line there was another place called the Down Bar and the Tea Room adjoined .
7 I would n't like to be the one to go and tell his folk .
8 Because I think it was Tommy that said it was really after the one finished and there was nothing else round about that there was a gap of a few years and then you got started again here .
9 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
10 Their conflicting attitudes to Adventurers ' Fen , which the one painted and the other drained , are both completely understandable in human terms .
11 Which is a very similar wording to the one used and if you do decide er to go forward with this criteria , perhaps erm there 's scope to introduce the wording avoiding coalescence .
12 5 Draw up a grid like the one shown but without these figures .
13 There 's a certain irony here in the fact that the world leader in free market philosophy should be the one to try and bring some regulation into this area , because that 's the problem here , almost complete deregulation the use of convenient ships , low skilled , low paid er exploited often Third World workers , used and abused by ship owners the world over to increase their profit margins , with a subsequent lack of concern over both the environment and people 's lives .
14 From a letter to Francesco Gonzaga , written in 1622 and published by A. Luzio , in which among others a self-portrait of Tintoretto is offered to him , Pittalunga argues that the Paris picture may have been the one mentioned and which formed part of Rubens 's estate .
15 A harem travelling with others is not only less likely to be the one attacked but , at least at the onset of the bachelors ' approach , the male can count on the participation of other harem males in ‘ yelping chases ’ that deter the attackers .
16 Samuel was the more prolific pamphleteer , but according to Edwards , mother and son collaborated closely , ‘ the one inditing and the other writing ’ , and they lived in the same house at least until the end of 1652 .
17 Partly no doubt because Bob had been brought up in Thornton Heath , he was popular with local fans , but his popularity also stemmed from the fact the he made or scored vital goals precisely when they were needed .
18 If you removed all the he saids and she saids from the writing above you would still know who was saying what because Nicolas and Bridget are doing different things .
19 tape on the it went and did it again on me now and it 's well and truly gone I 'll have to buy another one .
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