Example sentences of "the [noun] you give " in BNC.

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1 I am writing to thank you for the coverage you gave my launch as the No More Pylons candidate ( Echo March 26 ) .
2 I would like to commend you for the support you give to rural artists and craftspeople , through your excellent articles — especially at a time when , due to cuts in grants , such people need all the help they can get .
3 I 'm also returning the money you gave me .
4 ‘ I 'm surprised that has n't self-destructed after the damage you gave it yesterday .
5 I mean I , see the tablets you gave him ?
6 Once I 'd discounted the story you gave me about Lori 's reasons for being there , I realised the note could only have come from her , and therefore she must have taken the jade . ’
7 Before she could speak he said : ‘ Sorry , I 've lost the key you gave me . ’
8 ‘ Alas , ’ said Owen , ‘ I feel that the largeness of spirit for which you are famous has expressed itself in the figure you give us . ’
9 So be careful about the subjects you give .
10 Now this will definitely test your listening skills and , I know it 's getting late in the afternoon and you 've had a heavy meal , but you really do have to concentrate because the feedback you give him is now , or her rather , is now vitally important , okay , cos you have n't got a second bite of the cherry .
11 The rest is determined by decor , the welcome you give and the atmosphere .
12 If the bereaved is your mother-in-law you have the problem of trying to help someone with whose personality and reactions you may not be entirely familiar ; but you will have the advantage of being able to remain a little more detached from the throbbing centre of her pain and therefore freer to be objective in the help you give her , without in any way reducing the flow of sympathy and affection she will hope to receive from you .
13 ‘ Thank you for all the help you gave to us and to Bob during the last few days of his illness — I only wish we 'd been put in touch with ACET sooner .
14 I know I deserved the punishment you gave me , but please , Angel , please be kind to me !
15 I NOTED with interest your report on the Darlington v Huddersfield match , particularly the primacy you gave to an alleged comment by ‘ a fanzine seller ’ who purportedly said ‘ this is the Sack Frank Gray issue ’ .
16 This means that if the calculations you give exclude the tail , another 48″ of fish should be removed to bring the stocking level down to a manageable size .
17 How you look at someone , the attention you give them and your body language are all means of communication and can have a strong effect upon the recipient , even if he only perceives it on a subconscious level .
18 A less elevated but similar claim was made by Eudes II in a letter written to King Robert : ‘ If it is a question of the nature of the benefice you gave me , the fact is that it does not come from your domain , but from the estates which come to me with your consent by hereditary right from my ancestors . ’
19 Right , okay , so the three areas of professional telephone behaviour were , when you answer the phone you give a verbal handshake , by introducing yourself , finding out who is on the other end of the line , and asking them if it 's convenient to talk .
20 " The drink you gave him brought the truth out , Gordon .
21 The figures you gave us at the beginning I I seem to remember that you sell a lot more water abroad than in this country .
22 And I 'll tell you what I find even more impressive : The figures you gave me accord exactly with Spackman 's .
23 The day you give something away I 'll take a vow of chastity .
24 the stuff you gave .
25 The details you give are assessed according to a points system and then the bank may check with a credit reference agency to see whether you have a previous record of not paying your debts .
26 They use the handouts you give them — but half the time they put some snide twist on the story .
27 If , on the other hand , you are not , then you need to make the effort and change the priority you give to the organisation of time .
28 ‘ Now you will take the advice you gave to Ana .
29 You can advise them whether they decide your advice that 's fine , but what you must do is get them to s , you must write it on the plan your future document , the advice you gave , what plan you decided to do , and I would actually get him to initial it as well .
30 It 's all in the paper you gave me . ’
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