Example sentences of "the [noun] feel they " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ I was prepared to set aside time at a future meeting for full discussion , but the clubs felt they did n't want to even talk about the issue any further .
2 It probably was n't practical to rig up a short tape belay and , in any case , the climbers felt they were down , with the climbing virtually finished .
3 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
4 Talk of a pre-emptive Israeli strike against the missiles meant the Saudis felt they needed stronger air defences to guard the missiles … and so the British arms sellers moved in .
5 Talk of a pre-emptive Israeli strike against the missiles meant the Saudis felt they needed stronger air defences to guard the missiles … and so the British arms sellers moved in .
6 The Cambodians felt they would prefer to have an exhibition in Australia first , therefore we had to bring the date of the exhibition forward ’ .
7 Many of the journalists felt they 'd been the innocent victims of a political decision .
8 It was because of these expectations about planning that members of the RTO felt they could comfortably cut down on DHA estimates of the revenue required for community services .
9 If hysterectomy does change bowel function it seems likely from our data that the primary problem is in the act of defecation rather than in colonic function , as there was little or no change in stool form yet half the subjects felt they were prone to constipation and a quarter strained with every recorded defecation .
10 For them , the use of the term ‘ British ’ as a synonym for ‘ English ’ is an insult , a fact that English Conservatives sometimes overlook : introducing the poll tax a year early in Scotland was probably the worst blow to British unity in recent years , for it made the Scots feel they were being treated like second-class citizens .
11 Some of the Scots feel they 're living in a colony .
12 The majority of women workers were between 20 and 25 as the management felt they had fewer problems with young women .
13 If the parent feels they know a system that they have heard or read is successful , and if they try it out on the child and the child obviously enjoys it , if it becomes part of a game , then I ca n't see any harm in it , but I think the parent has to be scrupulously honest as to whether the child is enjoying it .
14 If the parent feels they know a system that they have heard or read is successful , and if they try it out on the child and the child obviously enjoys it , if it becomes part of a game , then I ca n't see any harm in it , but I think the parent has to be scrupulously honest as to whether the child is enjoying it .
15 Whatever the Communists felt they kept to themselves .
16 But if the problems are acute , and the parents feel they are unable to cope , foster or home arrangements can be organised .
17 Support continues for as long as the parents feel they need it , and is renewed , if they wish , if and when the mother becomes pregnant again .
18 It was also that free admission was part of the great Victorian philanthropic tradition , part of the vision of Britain which the Establishment felt they were called to safeguard .
19 It made the team feel they had regained some control over this area of work , and by focusing in such detail , highlighted its importance and the skills involved in investigations .
20 She continued to attend the unit as an out-patient for more than six months , when the therapists felt they could not make any further progress .
21 There was no government policy to fundamentally tackle unemployment and seen against that background , many at the meeting felt they were playing a game .
22 The more able in the group felt they ‘ could n't tell us anything we do n't already know ’ or they were ‘ depressing ’ , while the remainder said that they did not like them because they made them feel inadequate .
23 The officers felt they should ring the other school to check her story .
24 LEVELS OF radioactive dust found in a home near the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria were so high that the owners felt they had to move their two young sons to safety immediately , the High Court was told yesterday .
25 Table 20 indicates the jobs that the wives felt they could take over in addition to their present domestic and farm situation .
26 However , the authority felt them to be impractical to implement because of the assumptions about resources .
27 There were a lot of plants and the cats felt they were in a jungle of their own in the hall .
28 In many libraries there is some tension between what users want ( or say they want , or think they want ) and what the librarian feels they need .
29 An English school lunch , in surroundings far removed from any Russian orphanage , emphasised an obvious culture shock , but the staff felt they had had to offer their help .
30 The Americans felt they could not stand by and let Europe fall into economic chaos ; their own economy would also suffer .
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