Example sentences of "the [adj] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the strongest is that there are species in which some females reproduce sexually , and others by parthenogenesis : if there was not a short-term advantage to sex , the parthenogenetic females would long ago have replaced the sexual ones .
2 All that 's stopping him being welcomed into the great freemasonry of the over-fifties is that he happens to be thirty-two .
3 The second is that Yorkshire finished 1989 four points from the bottom with a one-day record almost as poor ; it seems there has been no improvement , nor is one in sight .
4 The second is that , electorally , the Democrats , Greens and SDP look like distant follies on a faraway hill .
5 The second is that these differences are the product of the influence of the ‘ new right ’ and its emphasis on market freedoms as the basis of civil and political liberty .
6 The second is that even if the stockmarket does eventually rise by enough to persuade holders to exercise the warrants , issuers will have to plan and to some extent act as if it will not .
7 The second is that she left to escape all the criticism that might have ensued if she stayed behind .
8 The second is that lower taxes , not higher public spending , is the key to their continued supremacy over Labour and equally any softer Liberal Democrat challenge .
9 The second is that there were variations by team which reinforced what our interviews and observations had identified , namely , that different philosophies prevailed — the two city teams being developmental ‘ purists ’ , Bassetlaw championing an ‘ integrated casework and development ’ model and the others taking up intermediate positions .
10 The second is that the multiplicity of authorities increases the number of administrators and clerical workers , so imposing a heavy cost on an economy that can ill afford to use its resources in this way .
11 The second is that the complexity of many production and commercial processes can make it particularly difficult to weave the coaching role into the normal run of affairs .
12 The second is that it can obviously vary from very poor to very good , and an individual 's welfare will be different at different times .
13 The second is that children who are used to watching Going Live are not likely to be enthralled by the Black and White Minister Show .
14 The second is that they include not only pedigrees and arms but also , in many cases , ancillary material such as lists of persons to be summoned , correspondence , church notes and lists of disclaimers .
15 The second is that it is unwise to give detailed advice unless one has full knowledge of local factors , problems , users etc .
16 The second is that many processes simply can not be shut down for the weekends .
17 The second is that the rhynchosaurs themselves declined in association with the seed-fern Dicroidium which was being ousted by the global spread of conifers .
18 These criticisms were basically of two kinds : the first was that there would not be sufficient demand within the system for accumulation to take place ; the second is that if the organic composition of capital rises then again there will be insufficient demand for all the surplus-value to be realised and hence accumulation will be choked off .
19 The second is that from the Cherwell boathouse to the point where the tragedy occurred is a distance of over two and a half miles , including a strenuous portage , and took us nearly an hour .
20 The second is that this may not be a proper question at all , because it ca n't be answered .
21 The second is that drivers like to retain at least one common link with those fans who do n't have private jets , Boss jeans , impossibly lithe blondes etc .
22 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
23 The second is that the rules may be those that apply to formal , written language but they may then be prescribed for all circumstances .
24 The second is that the British colonial rulers did not genuinely believe in independent , publicly owned public service broadcasting because when in government they made sure that they had full control and tolerated the idea of a corporation only when their rule was coming to an end .
25 The second is that , up until this point , I was winning .
26 The second is that some elements of decline or decay are present in the ageing process and that these may on occasion substantially or totally affect social and emotional functioning .
27 The second is that the components of language do not have meaning for us in virtue of standing for objects , of various ontological kinds , with which we become acquainted through some kind of ostensive definition .
28 The second is that it allows you to make a fast flank attack on the end of the enemy 's line with the possibility of rolling along it and taking lots of his troops in the flanks .
29 The first is that reflexes are largely mediated by the lower parts of the brain , and the second is that they are less rigid than one might think .
30 The second is that it unites psychology and biology since , in the early formulations , ‘ responses ’ were contractions of muscle groups , stimuli were physical events occurring at sensory receptors , and ‘ learning ’ was a real event occurring in the brain .
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