Example sentences of "the [adj] [coord] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He stuck to these attitudes through the 1820s and after , and could see no reason to take up the new liberal and radical ideas , which aimed at further break-up of the existing order of things .
2 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
3 Yeah , right on the sole and cos we used to take them off the iron and put a bit of leather on and grease the uppers with neat's-foot oil and they were really lovely and warm in the winter .
4 Unisys basically feels however that with its price-performance and coming enhancements there is a lot of life left in the 80486 and that it will not be replaced immediately by Pentium , more the meat of early adopters , than the usual customer .
5 Unisys basically feels however that with its price/performance and coming enhancements there is a lot of life left in the 80486 and that it will not be replaced immediately by Pentium , more the meat of early adopters , than the usual customer .
6 Now , the reason why we 're getting a fairly high test statistic is that er , that distribution , although it looks normal on the left hand side , it does n't look particularly normal erm on the right and that we are missing some observations , we are missing some values of the residuals er in one area of the graph , nevertheless if we had a larger sample , right we probably erm , right it does n't look , that looks quite encouraging in actual fact , those residuals do seem to be er normally distributed er what the test statistic is doing er it 's saying it 's performing a , it 's a kiescraper two test , it 's making two restrictions , one of which is saying , is the distribution of these residuals symmetric er and also it 's testing whether there 's one of the tails is a lot larger or a lot longer than the other tail of the distribution and er test statistics fairly high but we would n't reject the null of normality at the five percent level so our test statistic is four point zero eight and the critical value is five point nine nine and that the five percent significance level , so we 've got reasonably er robust residuals .
7 All of us as women have the right and and the ability to give birth , that is if we can , there 's nothing , er , medically wrong with us but then added to that there are those who have the ability to be good mothers , un unfortunately I do n't happen to fall into that category .
8 Gallaudet , a firm believer of the combined system , and by leading deaf people like George Healey of Liverpool , and by experienced teachers or missioners of the deaf in favour of the combined or sign system like Elliott , Welsh , Rhind were all largely dismissed or ignored in the Report 's recommendations , which were in essence that the Pure Oral system should be used to educate the deaf and that teachers for the deaf should be properly qualified , experienced in teaching in ordinary schools , and be in possession of all their faculties .
9 Well no not really because erm it , it was a private company as you can understand er , I can I ca n't really explain it everyone seemed to be pulling together you know that was the last thing you thought of , fifth columnists , things like that although it was they used to er , every now and again they used to send government national service officers round to look at the personnel and the structure of the working and if they thought anybody was superfluous to requirements they 'd get the papers soon after to go into the army or the services yeah , yeah , that is true and that happened , used to happen in factories all round the area , it was called the Essential Works Order .
10 ‘ That these enormities have become even conceivable in our country is due , in the first place , we need hardly say , to the odious and as it may prove , fatal institution of universal suffrage .
11 Well I do n't mind , well I mean this is a horrible thing to say but I do n't necessarily mind people robbing from the rich but when it 's poor people robbing from the poor , it 's a really wank off , really wanky thing to do , you know , I just think it 's disgusting .
12 And then there was the were staying our , the Stromness and the commercial and and that .
13 A. ‘ That the Directors be and they are hereby generally and unconditionally authorised to exercise all the powers of the Company to allot relevant securities ( within the meaning of Section 20 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 ) up to an amount equal to the authorised but as yet unissued share capital of the Company at the close of business on the date of the passing of this resolution .
14 Yeah catching rabbits a hedge and cut down a stick you know at the corn on the old and if we were lucky we used to get erm we used to er seat the old fella on the boiler and have a ride round on one of the horses .
15 As I say , I only get 36 off the social and when I get it on a Monday , I usually spend 30 right away on food for the kids .
16 The expectation that the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque and that it should present an unchanging spectacle to the appreciative onlooker has , for example , led many newcomers to be bitterly critical of the changes wrought by modern farming methods .
17 IT IS not irrational for a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the first , because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other .
18 It opened up a three-shot lead going into the second and that gave us a nice little cushion to work with .
19 He ‘ hoped that the strategic assumption that it was vital to us to keep open the Mediterranean and that in fact we could , should be re-examined .
20 But Phoenician traders were notorious for their shady dealings around the Mediterranean and if there was a precious commodity for which they could find a ready market , nothing could stop them .
21 Unfortunately they say one thing , but they do exactly the opposite and whereas local authorities are in a position to in the main to provide rental accommodation , the government are stopping them .
22 If you find that you worry about the imagined outcome of the bout and fear the worst or if you have a racing pulse , then I would say you are over-aroused and in danger of throwing everything away .
23 You just sit there mm yeah mm no mm well that 's the cheapest , that 's the dearest and and take their advice which ones the best for you and have it .
24 He says he can die simply of the cold or because his lung fill up with fluid becayse of the change in air pressure .
25 Darren Brine , who had a fine game , had a good run down the left and when the ball was worked into the midfield , ‘ Click ’ Clarke was on hand to hammer it home .
26 He crossed from the left and when Freestone failed to cut out the ball Ryan pounced to crack in a shot .
27 I think the National but when you win its your fairy tale come true .
28 After that he was backed for the National and although the urbane Gaselee is not prone to hyperbole he feels that , if he reproduces that Haydock run , Party Politics will take all the beating .
29 And I 've said that you know I 'd rather it was on the soft but whether it will get
30 Eventually he played the 4 and after I played the 7 from dummy , the trick was won by the King in the East seat .
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